Farmers could do more plowing in a day when they switched from oxen to this kind of animal.
This was an organization of individuals in the same business, working to improve economic and social conditions of it's members.
A guild
The practice of Bishops selling positions in the Catholic Church.
In order to gain control of the Holy Land, the pope called for this (another name for a crusade)
A Holy War
While commonly called the plague, the disease also came to be known by this other, more menacing, name.
The Black Death
Farmers could raise more food with this system, where they farmed 2 fields and let one field rest.
The three-field system
This was period in Europe where agriculture, trade, and banking all grew dramatically.
The Commercial Revolution
A court held by the Catholic Church in Spain to suppress heresy. People were questioned, and sometimes tortured and killed.
The Inquisition
The name for the great charter signed by English King that limited the King's powers and guaranteed people certain political rights.
The Magna Carta
Catholics in Europe were not allowed to loan money with interest, so this group loaned money instead.
With more money coming in, the Catholic Church began building with this new style of architecture that used high arching ceilings and stained glass windows.
A long effort by the Spanish to drive the Muslims out of Spain.
The Reconquista
The rulings of England's judges that formed a unified body of laws.
Common Law
This church scholar said that the most basic religious truths could be proven by logic.
Thomas Aquinas
How did the Commercial Revolution effect:
1. Peasants?
2. Banking?
3. Merchants?
1. Peasants? -Left the Manor to work in the trades for better wages.
2. Banking and lending increased
3. Merchants grew wealthier and more powerful in government and church.
This division in the Catholic church occurred when there were multiple popes at once.
The Great Schism
In the early 1200's, this was two different movements of Europeans under age 18 marching to conquer Jerusalem.
The Children's Crusade
This weapon, first introduced by the English, eventually ended the use of heavily armored knights on horseback.
The Longbow.
This man translated the Bible into English. He claimed that Jesus Christ (not the Pope) was the head of the church, and that the Bible (not the Pope)was the final authority for Christian living.
John Wycliffe
List and describe the 3 levels of craftsmen in the guild system.
Apprentice - Paid for training, lived with the master, obeyed the master, worked for 2-7 years, not allowed to marry
Journeyman - Paid by the master as an employee, worked 6 days a week, had to produce a masterpiece to become a master
Master - Owned his own shop, worked with other masters to protect their trade, involved in local government
Catholics in Europe thought God was using the Black Death for this purpose.
Possible Answers...
1. As a punishment for their sins
2. As part of the end of the world
Give three European goals for the Crusades.
Possible Answers...
-The Byzantine Emperor wanted to stop Muslim attacks
-The Pope wanted to reclaim Palestine and unite Christendom
-Kings and the Church saw it as an opportunity to get rid of quarrelsome knights
-Younger sons in Europe were looking for ways to acquire land, position in society, or adventure
Identify 5 ways that the plague impacted European Society
Possible answers....
-Half the population died
-Famine (from people not farming or trading)
-Survivors isolated themselves from society
-Breakdown of law and order (No Police)
-Jews were attacked and killed
-Remaining peasants could get paid more for their work
-The feudal system collapsed
-The public view of the church became less favorable
-Artist began to portray death as a constant companion in everyday life