Who was the first martyr of Islam? Who killed her, and how?
Sumayya, Yasir ibn Amir’s wife. Abu Jahl stabbed her.
How many Sujud Al-Tilawas are there in the Quran?
Which companion was called “The Sword of Allah”?
Khalid ibn al-Walid
What are the five pillars of Islam, in the correct order?
Shahada (Faith), Salah (Prayer), Zakat (Charity), Sawm (Fasting), Hajj (Pilgrimage).
As described in the Hadith of Muhammad SAW, what is arrogance?
Arrogance means ridiculing and rejecting the Truth and despising people.
When Prophet Yunus was trapped in the whale within darkness, he called out to Allah. What is the Dua of Yunus?
Dua Yunus:
"لَّآ إِلَـٰهَ إِلَّآ أَنتَ سُبْحَـٰنَكَ إِنِّى كُنتُ مِنَ ٱلظَّـٰلِمِينَ"
"There is no deity except You; exalted are You. Indeed, I have been one of the wrongdoers."
This person was cursed by Allah in the Quran during their lifetime. Who is this person, and what is the verse in which they are cursed?
Abu Lahab was cursed and promised hellfire by Allah in Surah Al-Massad.
تَبَّتْ يَدَآ أَبِى لَهَبٍۢ وَتَبَّ
“May the hands of Abū Lahab be ruined, and ruined is he.”
Which companion was nicknamed “The Lion of Allah”?
Hamza ibn Abd al-Muttalib
What are the three questions of the Grave?
Who is your Lord? What is your religion? Who is your prophet?
Muhammad SAW made an analogy between the destruction of envy and…
"Beware of envy because envy consumes (destroys) the virtues just as the fire consumes the firewood."
What are the best three generations, as described by a Hadith of Muhammad SAW?
"The best people are those of my generation, then those who will come after them (the next generation), and then those who will come after them (the next generation)."
When Mary was conceived with Jesus as a virgin, she was accused of adultery. How was her innocence declared?
Mary was declared innocent when Jesus miraculously spoke in the cradle.
“So she pointed to the baby. They exclaimed, ‘How can we talk to someone who is an infant in the cradle?’ Jesus declared, “I am truly a servant of Allah. He has destined me to be given the Scripture and to be a prophet.”
Who was the first person to ever make the Adhan?
Bilal ibn Rabah
What are the six pillars of Iman?
Belief in Allah, Belief in the Angels, Belief in Allah’s revealed scripture, Belief in Allah’s prophets and messengers, Belief in the Day of Resurrection, Belief in the divine decree.
What did Muhammad SAW fear the most for us?
“The thing I fear most for you is the lesser Shirk, showing off (of good deeds).”
Which Islamic scholar and theologian is widely referred to as “Sheikh Al-Islam”?
Imam Ibn Taymiyyah
What is the verse most repeated in the Quran?
فَبِأَىِّ ءَالَآءِ رَبِّكُمَا تُكَذِّبَانِ
"So which of the favours of your Lord would you deny?"
Which companion was most known for his knowledge of of the Quran and was appointed as the first official compiler of the Qur'an after the Prophet’s death.
Zayd ibn Thabit
What is the difference between Islam, Iman and Ihsan?
The Muslim does Islam, he submits. The Mu’min is one level higher, yes he submits, he’s a Muslim, but he also believes truly from his heart and has a strong faith. The Muhsin is on an even higher level, he submits and has strong faith, and he has reached religious excellence. This is known as the three levels of the Deen.
How can one combat the disease of ‘Ujub (self-amazement) and maintain humility in their deeds?
One can combat ‘Ujub by recognizing their dependence on countless factors controlled by Allah, understanding that all success is due to Allah’s will, and adopting an Allah-centric view of life. Acts such as gratitude, Istighfar, and humility in worship help maintain humility.
Which companion of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was sent to the Christian king of Ethiopia to seek his protection for the early Muslim refugees facing persecution in Makkah?
Ja'far ibn Abi Talib
What is the name in the Quran used to describe both mankind and Jinn?
Who are the ten companions to whom Paradise was promised?
Umar ibn al-Khattab, Uthman bin Affan, Ali bin Abu Talib, Talha Ibn Ubaidullah, Zubair Ibn Al-Awwam, Abdur Rahman Bin Auf, Sa’d Ibn Abi Waqqas, Saeed Ibn Zayd, Abu Ubaida ibn Al-Jarrah
What are the three categories of Tawheed?
Tawhid al-Rububiyyah (Oneness of Divine Lordship),
Tawhid al-Uluhiyyah (Oneness of Divinity),
Tawheed al-Asma wa’l-Sifat (Oneness of the Divine Names and Attributes)
How can we combat the disease of hasad (envy) in our hearts?
We combat envy by recognizing Allah’s wisdom in His decrees, being content with what He has given, praying for the success of others, and focusing on our own improvement.