Domain 1
Domain 4
A Framework for Teacher was first published in what year?
What is 1996.
The focus for the PDLT training today is from which component in Domain 1?
What is Component 1c- Setting Instructional Outcomes
Identify Domain 2
What is The classroom Environment
Identify and describe Domain 3
What is Instruction, the actual engagement of student in the content. page 29
Identify Domain 4
What is Professional Responsibilities page 30
Identify the purpose of the Praxis I, Praxis II, and Praxis III
What is Pre-Profesional Skills Assessment, Subject Assessment/Initial Teaching License, and Classroom Performance Assessment
The role of the teacher
What is to arrange for learning....To ensure that students learn, to design (or select or adapt) learning activities such that students learn important content. page 27.
What is the classroom atmosphere like?
What is a comfortable and respectful classroom environment, business- like, with non-instructional routines and procedures handled efficiently, student behavior is cooperative and nondisruptive, and the physical environment is supportive of the stated instructional pruposes.
What is the primary mission of schools?
What is to enhance student learning.
Why is this Domain important?
What is page 30...preserving and enhancing the profession. Our roles assumed outside in addition to in the classroom
The Framework for Teaching: overview is to identify...
What is a teacher's responsibility as documented through studies and research to promote improved student learning
What are the key elements in instructional design?
learning activites, materials, and strategies appropriate to content and the students. page 27.
Teachers that excel, in Domain 2 create what kind of atmosphere?
What is excitement about the importance of learning and the significance of the content. page 28.
List the components of Domain 3.
What is page 29. What is communicating with students, using questioning and discussion techniques, engaging students in learning, using assessment in instruction, demonstrating flexibility and responsiveness
List the components of Domain 4
What is Reflecting on teaching,maintaining accurate records, communicating with families, participating in a professional comunnnity, growing and developing professionally, showing professionalism page 30
In the framework, how many components, and name the 4 Domains of teaching responsibility?
What is 22 components, Domain 1 Planning and Preparation, Domain 2: The Classroom Environment: Domain 3:Instruction, and DOmain 4: Professional Responsibilities
What makes a Unit plan a successful design?
What is if it is coherent and concepts are developed through a sequence of varied learning activites that progress from simple to complex. page 27
Identify all of the components in Domain 2
What is page 28...Creating an Environment of respect and rapport:Establishing a Culture for learning:Managing classroom procedures, managing student behavior, organizing physical space.
What is appropriate use of technology?
What is Using technology to enhance learning. page 36
List the Domain levels of performance.
What is page 42.. unsatisfactory,basic,proficient, distinguished
Give (3 minimum) examples of the purpose of the framework for our professsional practice;;;
What is meeting novice needs, enhancing veteran's skills, provide a guide for teaching, shared understanding of teaching, day to day survival, improve effectiveness, advanced certification, and as a resource.
What are four ways of grouping students for instruction?
What is 1. teacher/student-lead large group presentation. 2. Teacher works with small group: other students work alone or in small groups. 3. Students work in small groups: teacher circulates,4. Students work alone; teacher monitor. Page 25.
Skills in Domain 2 are demonstrated through...
What is classroom interaction and captured on paper through interviews with or surveys of students.These interactions are observed in action, either in person or on videotape. page 29
Describe each Domain level of performance
What page 42 Domain 3-Instruction
Identify the AREAS of focus for professional development for Prince George's County this school year
What is SLO,FFT, Common Core