Reign of Terror
Social Classes

The king in which the public wanted to be ousted from his throne.

Who is King Louis XIV?


This way of government involved a central monarchial power (king/queen) holding control over an entire nation. The unfairness of this system was the main motive for the actions taken in the Reign of Terror.

What is Absolutism?


A written document possessing a plan in which a democratic government is to abide by.

What is a Constitution?


The largest estate in France.

What is the Third Estate?


Known for his prodigious military capabilities, and famously short stature, he was a formidable forerunner of the strategic planning behind the French Revolution.

Who is Napoleon Bonaparte?


France was on the brink of bankruptcy due to involvement with this revolution occurring in the new world.

What is the American Revolution?


The structure utilized in order to execute many of the French elite.

What is a Guillotine?


The social class in which the Bourgeoisie was mostly comprised of.

What is the Middle and Working class?


The estate that enforced heavy taxation at their markets and transport centers. This estate is almost entirely comprised of Salesman.

What is the Second Estate?


Widely despised for his irresponsible spending habits, and weak leadership, this king would eventually be beheaded for his actions.

Who is King Louis XVI?


A shortage of this resource greatly angered the French populous, as they were unable to support their lives, and families without it.

What is Food?


How many people perished in the midst of the Reign of Terror?

What is 10,000-17,000 people?


A system of government in which a king or queen rules whilst their power is limited by a constitution.

What is a Constitutional Monarchy?


The existence of this economic phenomenon deemed the poor incapable of supporting their families, whereas the rich were allowed access to essentially everything they desired.

What is the Unequal Distribution of Wealth?


A French lawyer who took a leading hand in the actions partaken throughout the Reign of Terror, as well as aiding in the revolution within its entirety.

Who is Maximilien Robespierre?


Shared with that of the American Revolution, this set of economic laws passed by the French monarchy greatly harmed the civilian financial situation.

What is Unfair Taxation?


This many people were given fair trial during the reign of terror.

What is almost none?


A fortress in Paris that proved vital in the outcome of the revolution.

What is the Bastille?


These TWO Estates are often relied upon to financially support the king, driving them to use potentially exploitative methods in order to gain more money.

What are the First and Second Estates?


The last queen of France before the events of the French Revolution, she is famously acclaimed for her ferocity in court, and desire to fight for what she believed was right, even with what was essentially the entire nation pitted against her. She would be executed for her resistance efforts, due to her ever-despised position as former queen.

Who is Marie Antoinette?

At the center of it all, what was essentially the main reason behind the outbreak of the French Revolution?

What is the exploitative system of social class within French society?


Why the Reign of Terror was carried out in the first place.

What was to prevent possible counter revolutionary efforts from pro-monarchists?


The outbreak of violence that began the French revolution as a whole.

What is the Storming of the Bastille?



The percentages of french civilians within all three individual estates.

1st: What is 0.5%

2nd: What is 2%

3rd: What is 96%


Like Robespierre, he would serve as a leader in the French Revolution, aiding his allies with his legal expertise, due to his position as a lawyer. However, he possessed ideas and ideologies that greatly differed from Robespierre's, and, although he wasn't particularly a monarchist, he would be put to death anyways on charges of anti-revolutionary sentiment.

Who is Georges Danton?
