Emotionalism and emphasis on return to nature
The largest group of the French populace
third estate
An attempt to overthrow the current government.
What is a coup d'etat.
A dictator who was in charge of France during the French Revolution.
Who is Napoleon.
These three philosophers inspired the French Revolution.
Who is John Locke, Jean Rousseau, and Montesquieu.
What is revolt or start a rebellion
Separation of powers in government
The most significant cause of the French Revolution.
social inequality
The leader of the Jacobin's during the Reign of Terror.
Who is Maximilian de Robespierre?
Name the 10 year period from 1789-1799.
What is the French Revolution?
Maximillian Robispere was the leader of this..
what is the Reign of Terror.
The French Peasants made up this estae
branch that makes the law
Louis 16th's request for gathering of all estates representatives
Estates General
People who received rights after the French Revolution
Who are the Jews?
The incident which sparked the Revolution.
What is the attack by the Third Estate on the Bastille State Prison and setting free prisoners sparked the Revolution.
Hobbes initially supported this
What is a belief in divine and absolute rights of the monarch.
Define Revolution.
What is a great change over a short period of time?
Natural Rights and Social contract
John Locke
What were 2 things that happened as a result of the storming of Bastille?
Freeing of prisoners, obtaining weapons, atmosphere of fear, and royalty wanting out of the political unrest
The French government during the reign of Napoleon.
French Revolution of 1789 stood for this.
What is the idea of Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity. or civil rights for all
The purpose of drafting a constitution in France.
What is to limit the power of the monarch.
Who are the first estate?
Who are the clergy?
Strong government/absolutism preferred because people are bad
What did the Bastille represent?
symbol of royal powers, inequality, and oppression
King Charles did this when English Civil war broke out
tried to run but was caught
most popular forms of execution during the French revolution
What is guillotine
the promise to give France a constitution took place at this site or event
What is the Tennis Court Oath
A Republic is...
What is a form of government.