This group made up the whole of 1st Estate during Pre-Revolutionary France.
The Clergy.
This event ended nearly 1,000 years of Monarchy of France and cemented the new republic.
The Execution of King Louis XVI.
The Queen of France who was famously misquoted as saying "Let them eat cake" while her people starved.
Marie Antionette
Meaning "Middle Class" in French.
This cause of the Revolution was marked by ideas of equality, liberty and the people having sovereignty.
Enlightenment Ideas
The Nobles of Pre-Revolutionary France paid this percentage of taxes to the crown.
July 14th, 1789, an event still celebrated in France to this day.
The storming of the Bastille.
King Louis XVI
A law passed during the Revolution to make it easier for enemies of the state to be imprisoned or executed.
Law of Suspects
This cause of the Revolution was made worse by high inflation and Churches not wanting to encourage bad behavior.
Lack of Food/Bread
The Poor, Peasants and Middle Class of Pre-Revolutionary France paid this percentage of income tax to the crown.
The famous meeting where the 3rd estate declared themselves the National Assembly and tasked themselves to make a constitution.
The Tennis Court Oath.
The radical leader of the Jacobin Club who was one of the strongest voices to turn France into a republic.
Maximilien Robespierre
Another law passed during the Revolution, making food/goods more accessible and the economy more egalitarian.
This system led to increased inequality in France and left the common people feeling like they didn't have a say in what is going on.
The 3 Estates system
This Estate made up less than 2% of the population, but owned around 20% of the land in Pre-Revolutionary France.
The 2nd Estate
The name of the government that took over after the Thermidorian Reaction and Robespierre's death.
The Directory
A clergy man whos writings would prove vital in mobilizing the 3rd estate to fight for more power in the country.
Abbe Sieyes
"Those without pants" who became a crucial part of the revolution and the reign of terror.
This cause of the Revolution was made worse by the American Revolution and the King and Queens luxurious lifestyle.
The 3rd Estate famously made two demands of the King upon meeting, what were these two demands?
1. Vote by head, not by order.
2. double the third.
The Committee of Public Safety enacted a Reign of Terror on the public during the Revolution, how many people lost their lives during this period?
A little known Corsican general who would make a name for himself fighting the enemies of France during the Revolution.
Napoleon Bonaparte
The term for the old regime in France of an absolute monarchy and the 3 estates system.
Ancien Regime
The rise of this class in French Society led it closer and closer down the path of the Revolution.
The Bourgeoisie