Who made up the 1st Estate?
The members of the Church
What is debt?
Owing someone more money than you can afford.
What was the name of the first government established in the First Republic?
The Directory
What is the largest ocean?
The Pacific ocean
Who made up the 2nd estate?
The king and his closest friends.
What number Louis was King Louis XVI
Louis the sixteenth
What was the directory's first act as government?
To kill the royal family.
Olympe De Gouge.
Give an example of a norm and a taboo
Norm = something we accept in society
Taboo= anything we do not accept in society
What was the name of the tax the 1st estate put onto the 3rd estate?
What happened at the Estates General?
The 3rd estate was largely ignored.
What was a loyalist?
Did the Declaration of the Rights of Women ask for more rights than men?
No, they were asking for equal rights for all.
What are the Cardinal directions?
North, East, South, West
What is the other name for the Estate System?
The Feudalist System
July 14th, 1789
What was the Reign of Terror?
A time in which the government was acting like executioners, killing anyone they found suspicious
"A common contribution is essential for the maintenance of the public forces and for the cost of administration. This should be equitably distributed among all the citizens in proportion to their means."
The Declaration of the Rights of Man 1789.
How should the French pay their taxes?
They should pay them all equitably.
What countries were the world powers in the 15th century
India, Islamic World, China, and Italy
10% 1st estate
30% 2nd estate
60% 3rd estate
What was the name of King Louis XVI's wife?
Marie Antoinette
Why was there no revolutionary government or new leader coming out of the French Revolution?
Since no one could trust one another and everyone kept killing each other, nothing could be done.
She was put on trial and executed during the Reign of Terror.
What numbered highways run east and west?
Even numbered highways