The French revolution
Periods of the French Revolution
Napoleon 2
The Congress of Vienna

Who were Richelieu and Mazarin and during what time did they rule France?

Cardinals who built the foundations of absolutism and ruled France as regents during first half of 1600s


How did the King react to the Legislative assembly?

He tried to flee away from France with his family, but he was returned to Paris


What was Napoleon's full name?

Napoleon Bonaparte


Until which battle was Great Britain under threat of invasion?

Battle of Trafalgar


When was the official act signed?



What is the Estates-General and why did they meet?

It is the assembly representing all 3 estates and they met to deal with the financial crisis


What did the Directory depend on?

The Directory depended upon the power of the army. The army kept order in the country and the spoils of the war helped keep finances above water.


Who crowned Napoleon?

He crowned himself.


The name of the union of German states and Kingdom created by Napoleon.

Confederation of the Rhine


One of the leading powers was Austria led by Klements von Metternich who was the most influential person in the Congress of Vienna. What other countries were present?

Great Britain, Prussia, Russia, France


What did the third estate demand?

They demanded that all 3 estates would join into one body and this body would write a new constitution


There were two rival groups at the Convention. Name them and shortly describe their relationship

Jacobins and Girondins. 

The struggle for power led to a conflict. Both groups supported the war against hostile monarchies, but Girondins were blamed for the inability to win and secure stability and prosperity at home


Napoleon signed two peace treaties. One with Austria and one with Great Britain. What were they called?

Treaty of Luneville and Treaty of Amiens


What was the final battle of Napoleon's army by which countries were defeated and who led them?

Battle of Waterloo

 the British and Prussian armies led by the Duke of Wellington


What was the Holly Alliance and the Concert of Europe?

Austria, Russia and Prussia signed a proclamation that they would preserve the values of monarchies and Christianity.

Congresses that dealt with revolutions, a system of international political relationships. 


What was revoked by Louis, which granted religious and political freedom to the protesting minority?

Edict of Nantes


How did the monarchy end and what new assembly was elected?

After the Battle of Valmy, King Louis XVI was arrested and imprisoned and the period of Constitutional monarchy ended. 

National Convention, which declared France a republic


How did Napoleon improve the French economy?

Set up an efficient tax collection, established a bank, stabilized the currency - stopped inflation.


Who created The continental system and what was it for?

The Berlin and Milan Decrees 

Napoleon believed that the continental system would weaken Great Britain by cutting off its trade from European markets.


What is the Congress of Vienna and what did it grant?

A series of meetings to secure peace and stability in Europe after the Napoleonic wars.


 balance of power (equilibrium of political and military forces)

legitimacy (restoration of traditional monarchies)


How many troops did the King send in secret to stop the meeting of the Estates-General?

18 000


During the Period of Constitutional Monarchy in France, Nation Assembly issued three important documents that brought lots of changes. Name them and shortly describe them.

Decrees of August 4 - the decrees that canceled the feudal system

Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen - granted to all citizens basic civil and political rights

 Constitution - established constitutional monarchy in France)


What was the collection of laws that Napoleon put together called?

Code Napoleon

Code Civil


Why didn’t the Battle of Borodino end in a clear victory for Napoleon?

Most of his army died on the way back because of starvation and winter conditions.


What were 5 outcomes of the Congress in Vienna?

Switzerland was declared to be independent.

Norway was connected to Sweden.

Austria got Lombardy and Venice.

German Confederation (union of 35 states)

The Kingdom of Sardinia was restored.

Safety barrier of neutral states was formed in case of French invasion.

Dutchy of Warsaw was put under control of Russia.
