Causes of the French Revolution
Key Facts of the French Revolution
Fun Facts
Effects of the French Revolution
Important People Involved in the French Revolution

The class that slowly stopped supporting the system because of their lowly place in society.

What is Peasants?


The length of the French Revolution.

What is 12 years?

What is 1787-1799?

(Either works^)


The nickname of Jean Cottereau who led a The Owls, a group that revolted against the French Revolution. He got this nickname from doing really good Owl Impressions



An ideology that emphasizes loyalty and devotion to the where you live and places the obligations of the country over the individual or group interests. IT was introduced/arose due to the French Revolution.

What is Nationalism?


The Queen of France, and her lifestyle is considered one of many reasons for such a bad economy in the country at the time. On October 16th, she was found guilty of severe treason and other things. She was executed at the Place de la Concorde.

Who is Marie Antoinette?


The middle class that was almost always, if not always, excluded from places of power, and resented the system for this.

What is borgeoisie?


This representative assembly included all parts of society: The First Estate, Second Estate, and Third Estate.

What is the Estates-General?


Marie Antoinette's famous phrase that came from the French Revolution

What is "Let them eat Cake"


Slaves in a French Colony that were inspired by the French Revolution, causing the French Leaders to realize the full meaning of their revolution.

What is the Haitian Revolution?


The last King of France before the start of the French Revolution. Unable to manage the severe problems France had at the time, and is partially blamed for the Revolution. He was also executed on January 21st, 1793.

Who is King Louis XVI?


This event pushed France to the point of bankruptcy with the sheer amount of debt caused by it.

What is the American Revolution?


The castle that the Estates-General met at to discuss important topics.

What is Versailles?


The device created to execute people, invented during the French Revolution, as it was made in 1791.

What is the Guillotine?


The French Revolution laid the groundwork for an ideology. Many French philosophers of the late 18th century criticized and called for the abolition of private property, and wanted to establish a society based on communal ownership of property.

What is Communism?


A French Journalist and political theorist who was able to steer the French Revolution into a more racial event. He represented himself as the voice of the common people in France at the time. He is largely credited with being the main agitator of the September Massacres, an event where over 1,000 people were killed in French prisons. He was finally assassinated by Charlotte Corday.

Who is Jean-Paul Marat?


Due to the amount of debt, this increased and even expanded to include classes that were previously exempt from this.

What is Taxes?


The king of France at the time of the French Revolution, that was executed for treason.

What is Louis XVI?


The nickname for a Guillotine during the French Revolution.

What is "National Razor"?


The House that lost it's rule over France in 1792, even though it regained power from 1815-1830.

What is The House of Bourbon?


Lawyer, noted orator, and leader of the radical Jacobins in the Nation Assembly, this guy campaigned for the abolition of slavery and the rights of the Sans-Culottes. After the expulsion of the Girondins in June 1793, The Montagnards (This guys faction) formed the Committee of Public Safety, and this guy was the head. He was finally executed during the Committee's Reign of Terror, where about 40,000 people were massacred, when growing paranoia among the people led to the Coup of 9 Thermidor.

Who is Maximilien Robespierre?


This was no longer viewed as divinely ordained, and couldn't adapt to the political and societal pressures.

What is "The French Monarchy"?


This marked the end of the French Revolution.

What is the Consulate?

What is the The Coup of Brumaire?

(Either works^)


The diary product that a cook's assistant was fried in, after defending the Queen.

What is Butter?


The Concordat of 1801 resulted in a loss of power in this.

What is The French Catholic Church?


This guy was a Liberal Aristocrat that led the French forces in the American Revolution. He also wrote the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen. But his stance on growing Jacobin radicalism got him arrested, and was in prison until Napoleon seized power.

Who is Marquis de Lafayette?
