Define Tyrannical
A characteristic of a tyrant or tyranny; cruel or unjust.
Why did many people disapprove of Marie Antoinette?
She was Austrian, built a make-believe peasant village, and was accused of interfering with political decisions.
Define Natural Law.
A system of rights or justice that is shared by all people and that comes from nature, not the rules of society.
Define Neoclassicism.
A revival of ancient Greek and Roman ideas, especially in literature, art, or architecture.
What did Romantic artists value most?
Why is the summer of 1789 known as the "time of the Great Fear" in France?
Peasants rioted and fled from what they thought was a noble's plot to kill them.
Under Louis XIV, what was life like at Versailles?
Uncomfortable due to small rooms; difficulty for courtiers to win the king's favor.
What happened at the Bastille on July 14, 1789?
San culottes stormed the building and killed the leaders.
What type of civilization inspired a movement of art during the French Revolution?
What title didn't Napoleon have during his lifetime?
King of France.
Who were the philosophes?
Enlightenment thinkers who believed in justice and freedom.
What was the famous quote from Marie Antoinette during the shortage of bread?
"Let them eat cake."
Why did Parisian women march to Versailles in October 1789?
To demand more bread.
What gave the Reign of Terror its name?
Execution of many people.
What was the greatest factor in Russia's defeat of Napoleon's army?
The cold Russian winter.
In prerevolutionary France, which group had the least amount of political power?
Who was called the Sun King?
Louis XIV
What was the Declaration of the Rights of Man?
French Bill of Rights
Why did the Jacobins establish a new calendar?
The old calendar was associated with Christianity.
Which battle was the final defeat in Napoleon's military career?
Which philosophe said, "Man is born free and everywhere he is in chains?"
In the French Revolution, where did the deputies take their oath not to separate until they had written a constitution?
Tennis court at Versailles.
What didn't the Declaration of the Rights of Man not establish?
End of the monarchy.
How did the Reign of Terror end?
Death of Robespierre.
Define symphony.
A musical composition written for an orchestra.