What is cyberbulling.
Cyberbulling is when someone is getting bullied it it is getting recorded.
what is a topology?
burger king affected by technology? how?
It gave burger king leveraging advanced technology with new promotion that steels customers.
the computer memory
it is the electric components that stores the data
generation 1
a electromechanical computer made of vacuum tubes and is very slow.
what is a upstander
A upstander is someone who stands up to the bully.
what is a star topology?
A star network is a implementation of a spoke-hub. in a star topology every host is connected the the central hub.
coca cola affected by technology? how?
it happened by engine powered vending machines.
the cpu (central processing unit)
this is called central processing unit and it is used by you it is very important and it is like the motherboard
generation 2
a transistor computer which is made of transistors and not vacuum tubes.
what is a victim.
what is a ring topology?
A ring network is network topology. each node will connect to two nodes.
apple affected by technology? how?
because the technology of the big analytics driving apples decision making process.
the wifi
this is basically like the internet which you use for almost everything.
generation 3
it is made with integrated circuits they did not give a lot of heat and it is fast.
what is a empathizer
a empathizer is someone who helps the victim
what is a mesh topology
a mesh network is a local one. and each node connects directly.
Disney affected by technology? how?
it did to reduce production cost.
the motherboard
this is a printed circuit board which basically controls the whole computer.
generation 4
a microprocessor they used VLSI technologies and has a very large scale.
what is a bystander
A bystander is someone who records or just watches someone being cyberbullied.
what is a network topology
a network topology is a topology that holds all the topology's together like a mesh, ring, and star, topology.
mcdonolds affected by technology? how?
lower waiting time and lower staff cost.
the operating system
this just supports and functions the whole computer.
generation 5
this was developed from massively parallel computing and logic programming in japan.