Who didn't make the first light bulb
Everyone but Thomas Edison
-100 points if wrong
If a shotgun has 3 bullets in it and 2 of them are fake, are you dying
yes because ITS A GUN!
If you Slap a kid what happens
the kid shoots him self because he was emo
Yor noot reedy foor das
r u
NOOOOO if you say yes you are banned
Make me laugh Free Range
The USA was worse than who during 1730
How many feathers would it take to fly
3378914981783979182373892847891278798471828401102847118274812749179872198471982749812749817249847129284719274198274981279813747487146982347823748923478273 or infinite
PE stands for
Physical Education
Make me laugh in under 3 sentences
WW3 will start when?
it will never because WW in this case it doesn't stand for World War it stands for "Will Wip"
-200 points if wrong
If you punched your self is it animal abuse
No we ain't animals
If gabe is fat and jason is small what would they be
Big boy(the nuke) and Little boy(the nuke)
u hava too tage maxy in 30. secounds (if max then tage landony)
Make me laugh in under 3 sentences and you cant make yourself laugh
During WW1 what was Homer Simpson doing
1498908449812031923 + 3408401823930 =???
some math i cant do
How small is small
Make me laugh in under 2 sentences and you cant make yourself or anyone else laugh and you have to be seated and cant use objects and have to use the words (sugar, candle, and chair)
If bob meat tim and tim has life in a sea does bob + fish = sea or timmy plus very cold war = big bob and his no life fired steve and steave has a bigger see than tim and bob toghether. so does it?
Basketball and baseball are different how??????
Basketball started with a big B
No Correct Response if no Question
Make me laugh in under 2 sentences and you cant make yourself or anyone else laugh and you have to be seated and cant use objects and have to use the words (sugar, candle, door, and chair) and it cant be dark humor or gay