What colony did the British take over in 1763?
New france.
What were the long-term consequences of the Voyageurs in the wilderness?
Deforestation and the exponential decrease of certain animals.
Who had the worst experience with the harsh weather?
The settlers.
Who did the British compete with to control the Fur Trade?
In what year did the beaver almost go extinct?
Who and when established the Hudson's Bay Company (HBC)? (Phase 3)
It was Established by the British, in 1670.
What was the primary product that Voyageurs were trading?
True or false:
New France was part of Europe.
New France was a part of North America, Most commonly known in Canada.
Who did the French establish relationships with?
First Nations/Indigenous.
Who did the trapping, the Métis, or First Nations?
First Nations.
In Phase 2, who controlled the fur trade?
France did.
Where did the Courier De Bois settle?
Quebec City, and Montreal.
If you got both, 200 points!
Who created New France?
Samuel De Champlain.
What cities/provinces did the French establish in Canada?
Established the Quebec, Montreal, And Trois Rivieres along the St. Lawrence River.
Challenge Question, double reward
What would happen without Metis or First Nations during the Fur Trade?
There would be no Trappers or suppliers,
no trade networks,
Or interpreters.
When and where did the first phase start?
1530, in Gulf Saint Lawrence.
Where did the Courier De Bois mainly operate?
New France.
Who had more power, Seigneurs, or Habitans?
After the furs and food were hard to find, which direction did the French move to?
Who established the Red River settlements?
In 1869, what private land did the HBC sell to Canada?
Rupert's land.
Were the Courier De Bois legally licensed, or illegal Fur Traders?
They were illegal because they didn't have permits to trade.
What is New France known as today?
Is it PEI Newfoundland and Labrador, Quebec, Or all of the above?
All of the above.
Who dominated the fur trade in the end?
The British.
Everett, Evan, And Biniam will now pick someone to get or lose 500 points.
The winner will be... [pick the 500 point winner]