paint brush is to paint as led is to _
What is the name of a cookie with chips?
chocolate chip cookie
what allows your foot to move?
your tendon
what war took place on September 1, 1939 to September 2, 1945?
world War 2
what animal is black and white who's name has three letters?
What colors is the polish flag?
Red and White
what happens if you open the oven?
the pastry deflates
how many kidneys do you have?
how many states were there originally?
what animal that uses echo location at night?
Solve for x 2x-3=5
who made the first version of cake?
ancient egyptians
what organ receives oxygen-poor blood from your veins and pumps it to your lungs?
who was the 17th president?
Andrew Johnson
What animals eat each others feet?
Who wrote the song Shivers?
Ed sheeran
When and where was bread created?
estimated to be around 8000 BC in the Middle East,
who invented brain surgery?
William Williams Keen
Who directed Hamilton?
Alex Lacamoire
Which animals cause the most human deaths?
Unscramble the letters phostarstree
what dessert is this?
what organ ends and receives chemical and electrical signals throughout the body?
When was the Constitution written?
September 17, 1787
what animal has the word red in its name and is very cute also it has the unscrambelled word danap in its name?
red panda