Business Ethics
Personal Ethics
Educational Environment
Unethical or Ethical?
Name that unethical person!

Your boss offers to pull strings to help you get into the college you want.

What is Influence?


Michael had several friends including Roger and Daniel. Roger has recently met and started dating a wonderful lady named Phyllis. He is convinced this is a long term relationship. Unknown to Roger, Michael observed them at a restaurant several days ago and realized Phyllis is the wife of his other friend Daniel.

Michael is deciding whether to tell Roger that Phyllis is married when he receives a call from Daniel. Daniel suspects his wife is having an affair and since they and Michael share many friends and contacts, he asks if Michael has heard anything regarding an affair.

What is tell Roger about Phyllis and her infidelity?


Imagine you're a teacher and one of your students decided to slap you because you told them to sit down and stop talking. What is the ethical solution to this problem?

What is call an administrator and write up student?


Stealing money from the petty cash drawer at work.

What is unethical?


This president was the mastermind behind Watergate and was very close to impeachment.

Who is President Nixon?


A bribe offered to an employee in exchange for access to special things

What is a kickback?


Grandma asked me if I like the sweater she gave me. It’s ugly. Should I tell her the truth (and hurt her feelings) or lie to her (and deceive her).

What are both are unethical?


Imagine you're a student and you go to your school counselor to confide in them about something personal. You come to school the next day and not only all the teachers know about your issues, but so do the students. What ethical behavior was ignored for this to happen? 

What is confidentiality? 


If you notice a blind person giving you money to pay for an good, and you owe them 7 dollars and you give them 2 one dollar bills and one 5 dollar bill. 

What is ethical?


Was impeached during his second term. He went on trial by Congress for perjury. Allegedly lied about his relationship with a White House intern in a sexual harassment case.

Who is Bill Clinton?


Your co-worker asks you to cover for him so he can sneak out of work early to go to his son’s softball game. Ethically speaking, what should you do?

What is tell your boss the truth if asked?


I promised a friend I’d meet her for lunch. Promises are ethically important. But on the way to lunch I saw another friend who was sick — not dying, but quite ill — and who asked me to help her get to the hospital. She could probably get there on her own, but is quite upset and would really like my help. Which friend should have priority?

Who is the ill friend?


You're sitting in class and the class discussion is about the Civil Rights Movement. Everyone continuously stares back at you and as they are talking about Rosa Parks, a girl next to you asks you if you knew her or if she was your grandma. She then talks about how much she "loves" black people and continuously starts saying "period pooh". What would be the best thing to do in this situation?

A) Smack her

B) Answer no and roll your eyes

C) Go on an long, angry rant about how she's uncultured and needs to read a book once in a while.

What is answer choice B?


You don't deceive others by misrepresenting the facts, overstating and exaggerating or only giving partial truths.

What is ethical?


Seven American hostages were being held by Iranian-backed terrorists in 1985. Despite this president's vow not to negotiate with terrorists, National Security Advisor Robert McFarlane went to Iran to make a deal, sending weapons in exchange for the Middle Eastern country’s help brokering the release.

Who is Ronald Reagan?


One person is favored over the other in the workplace.

What is partiality?


You have two children, both have the same life threatening condition, but you only have enough medicine to cure one of them. And you have to choose which one survives and which one dies.

What is there is no right answer?


You find out that your friend is sleeping with her Chemistry teacher to get an A. What would you do?

What is report the teacher?


Doctors, dentists and lawyers dating their clients.

What is unethical?


After Marilyn Monroe performed a steamy rendition of "Happy Birthday" at the commander-in-chief's 45th birthday party in May 1962 and rumors of an affair were propelled. 

Who is John F. Kennedy?
