Boarding school
Global plastic pollution problem
The voting process in a democracy
The impact of early globalization

When did the earliest large-scale globalization begin?

Large-scale globalization began in the 19th century.


When are all Canadian Indian children compulsory by law to attend boarding school?

Between 1894 and 1947


What are microplastics?

Microplastics refer to plastic fragments and particles with a diameter of less than 5 mm. They are a mixture of heterogeneous plastic particles in various shapes, which are often difficult to distinguish with the naked eye. They are vividly called "PM2.5 in the sea".


What is democracy?

Democracy, which originally meant the rule of the people, is a system of government in which the people have equal participation in public policy. Who the "people" include and how to divide powers is the core issue of democratic development and the constitution. The cornerstones of democracy include freedom of assembly and speech, freedom of communication, equality, citizenship, the right to vote, and the right to life. Democracy is a universally recognized ideal that provides an environment for the protection and effective realization of human rights.


What impact did the white colonists have on the Indians?

After the white people arrived in North America, they launched a series of massacres and persecutions against the local aboriginal de facto white supremacy.


What was a trade route between the East and the West called in ancient times?

Silk Road


When was the first Aboriginal school established?

The oldest Mohawk Indian Residential School (Mohawk Institute Residential School) opened in 1834 and was established in the Six Nations of the Grand River Aboriginal Reservation (near Brantford City, Ontario), Administered by the Church of England.


Where do microplastics come from?


What age group cannot vote?

You cannot vote until you are 16 to 21 years old


What impact did white colonists have on blacks?

Whites launched a series of discrimination, slavery, and persecution against blacks.


What's driving massive globalization?

Great changes have taken place in the appearance of human beings in the era of great voyages, which has also contributed to the occurrence of large-scale globalization.


What is the purpose of Aboriginal schools?

The colonists saw themselves as representatives of civilization and believed that colonization could bring civilization to the barbarians.” That is, the “mission of civilization” was constructed on the colonizers’ sense of racial and cultural superiority.


What is a garbage continent?

The garbage continent is also known as the "Pacific Garbage Vortex". In addition to the seven continents we know of, another "new continent" is being formed in the most inaccessible "windless belt" in the Pacific Ocean - this "new continent" is completely It is piled up by garbage, and people call it the "Eighth Continent". Located between 35° and 42° north latitude, northeast of the Hawaiian Islands, 1,000 miles off the coast of California.


What is the difference between the House of Lords and the House of Commons?

In a federal system, one house is usually elected by the member states, and the other is elected in proportion to the population.

In a constitutional monarchy, one house is usually composed of nobles and the other is elected by the commoners.

In a republic, one house is usually composed of appointed or indirectly elected members, and the other house is directly elected by the people.


What impact did the white colonists have on the yellow race?

Whites colonized Asia and stole wealth, resources, and even freedom from Asians.


What is triangular trade?

The three routes formed by the trade in the Great Triangle are alcohol, arms, textiles and other industrial products transported from Europe to Africa, slaves transported from West Africa to the Americas as laborers, and precious metals, ores, cane sugar, and tobacco transported from the Americas to Europe. , coffee, cocoa, cotton, grain and other agricultural products and raw materials.


When did the last Aboriginal school close?

The Canadian government closed the last federally-run Aboriginal boarding school in Rankin Bay, Nunavut, in 1997.


What is an ocean of trash?

Marine debris refers to persistent, man-made or processed solid waste in the marine and coastal environment. Some of this marine debris stays on the beach, and some can float on the sea surface or sink to the bottom of the sea.


What is an "absolute majority" in democratic elections?

A supermajority means that as long as a certain number of seats are obtained in a democratic vote, there is a chance of victory.


What effect did early globalization have on the cultures of colonized objects?

The cultures of most colonized subjects were devastated because of religious reasons, the colonists forced the colonized subjects to convert to their beliefs, and treated the original local beliefs as heresy.


What effect did the colony have on the local people?

The territory was occupied, lost its sovereignty and independence, and was completely ruled and dominated by the capitalist powers politically and economically.


Has the Canadian government apologized to aboriginal people? If so, when was it?

yes. On June 11, 2008, former Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper publicly apologized for the past persecution of Aboriginal peoples by the Canadian government and federal leaders in the House of Commons. Nine days before the Prime Minister's speech, Aboriginal peoples set up the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, eager for the government to confront and expose the history and truth about boarding schools.


What type of litter makes up the largest share of the ocean?

Plastic waste accounts for 80% of all marine litter, the largest proportion of litter.


How many seats are there in the Canadian House of Commons?



Did early globalization exacerbate the spread of disease?

Yes, many continents are separated by oceans, so diseases are different on each continent. People had little resistance to diseases they had never seen before, so early globalization did exacerbate the spread of diseases.
