What character is considered the face of gaming?
What is the highest grossing movie SERIES?
Marvel Cinematic Universe
What is 9+10?
What is the most popular American food item?
Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?
What was the first video game to have an easter egg?
Starship 1
What island movie starred Tom Hanks as the lone survivor of a plane crash?
Cast Away
What causes a young mans ears to burn?
Falling down the stairs
What do British people have for breakfast?
Beans on toast
Finish the quote: What's ____ thinking about?
What video game series has the most popularity?
Call of Duty
What is the name of the ceramic doll in Toy Story that has romance with Woody the Cowboy?
Bo Peep
What animal was known for his angry look in most of his pictures?
Tardar Sauce/Grumpy Cat
What animal is eaten during a November Holiday?
What show stars a raccoon and a blue jay as best friends?
Regular Show
In Minecraft, at what Y level will you most commonly find diamonds?
Y level 11
What upcoming movie contains a battle between 2 titans, and has sparked quite the debate on who will win?
Godzilla vs. Kong
Were they roommates?
What is the most popular beverage?
What tv show was created to advertise a card game?
Which wonder weapon has been known as one of the worst ones, until the release of Call of Duty: Cold War?
What does Thanos say to Thor the moment before he snaps his fingers?
"You should have gone for the head"
What is the name of the dog that is seen as a large part of most memes in the past and even today? (Not the actual dogs name)
What is the rarest beef in the world?
Kobe Beef
What show follows the story of 5 teenage superheroes based in the DC universe? (Hint: DONT END YOUR ANSWER WITH "GO")
Teen Titans