How many living friend group pets are there?
What person collects tiny cars?
What game is played in the Books Boys' basement?
Knee Hockey
What month has the most friend group birthdays in it?
Where is graduation held every year?
What are Sawyers birds names?
Sunny and Pearl
What was Hazel's most delicious project?
Her chocolate project
What game does Sawyer never want to wear socks in while playing?
What two people in our friend group have back to back birthdays?
Landon and Calder
Who boo'd at Trin's name in the auditorium at the 20th Anniversary?
What dog has a truly crazy look in his eyes?
Where did Malea and Veronica first become friends?
The Four Pods
What game was invented in a lake?
Titty Ball
What is Eveliina's B-day
August 19, 2007
What game was being played when this was shouted..."This with an L"
Head up (act it out deck)
How many guinea pigs have the shorter's had? (Extra 15 points for their names)
3 (Bacon, Ham, and Waffles)
What was Calder's senior project presentation title?
Journalism & Video Editing
What game was sneakily being play in the Plamann's attic?
Cards Against Humanity
What is Ivy's Birthday?
May 1st, 2019
In what year did the Pineapple floaty pop!
The summer of 2023 I think