Name all members of the quorum of the twelve
Holland, Uchtdorf, Bednar, Cook, Christofferson, Andersen, Rasband, Stevenson, Renlund, Gong, Soares, and Kearon
Who said "Think Celestial"
Russell M. Nelson
Who said, "How oft will I gather you as a hen gather her chickens under her wings if ye will repent?"
Jesus Christ
True or False: Angle Moroni is always on top of the temple?
Who was the first prophet
How many hymns are in the old hymn book
"Decisions determine destiny"
Thomas S. Monson
What U.S state has the most Temples?
Gordon B. Hinckley
at what age are the members of the 70 released?
70/ year they turn 70
"Be Still, and Know That I Am God"
David A. Bednar
Who wrote the article of faith #11
Trick-ish question: Joseph Smith wrote all of them
What Year was the Cedar City Temple Dedicated?
Who was the last prophet in the Book Of Mormon?
How many operating temples are there?
"Welcome to the church of joy"
Patrick Kearon
Russell M. Nelson
Where was the first temple built in this dispensation?
Kirtland Temple
Who is the current general young women's president?
Emily Belle Freeman
How many people are in the tabernacle choir?
"The great test of life is to see whether we will hearken to and obey God's commands in the midst of the storms of life. It is not to endure storms, but to choose the right while they rage."
Henry B. Eyring
What was the last temple dedicated
Tallahassee Florida Temple
Who gave the Aaronic priesthood to Joseph Smith?
John the Baptist