Living For the City
What's Old is New
Chinese Exclusion
Shudder Islands
Laws & Regulation, from Progressive

These were the two largest cities in the United States during the Gilded Age.

What are New York City and Chicago?

"New Immigrants" primarily arrived from these regions of Europe.

What are Southern and Eastern Europe?


The Chinese Exclusion Act (1882) banned the immigration of Chinese laborers to the United States for this many years.

What is 10 years?


This island was established as a processing center for immigrants arriving on the East Coast.

What is Ellis Island?


The Progressive Era had several strategies to solve the problems caused by the Gilded Age, including these two.

What are Muckraking, Getting Reform-Minded Politicians Elected, Getting Reform Legislation Passed, Getting the Government to Step In?


One of the biggest factors leading to urbanization during the Gilded Age was the large number of Americans moving from this type of setting to this type of setting.

What are rural and urban.


The United States is often seen as the "Land of Opportunity" for many, thanks to these pull factors (give 3 total).

What are industrial jobs, religious freedom, American Letters, abundant land/food, etc. (pull)


This addition to the Chinese Exclusion Act prohibited all forms of reentry to the United States, much to the astonishment of Chae Chan Ping.

What is the Scott Act (1888)?


This island was established primarily as a detention center to help enforce exclusion laws on the West Coast.

What is Angel Island?


Although he didn't focus as much on the environment as Roosevelt, President Taft did push for this Constitutional amendment which allowed the federal government to create an income tax.

What is the 16th Amendment?


Upon arriving in United States, many immigrants were forced to live in these types of cramped, dirty buildings.

What are tenements?


Many "New Immigrants" were encouraged to leave their homelands to these push factors (give 3 total).

What are religious persecution, ethnic persecution, poverty, population growth, lack of food, lack of jobs, etc.?


Although Chinese immigrants were prohibited from becoming American citizens, this Supreme Court case ensured their children weren't (as long as they were born in the U.S.)

What is United States v. Wong Kim Ark (1898)?


At Ellis Island, European immigrants were screened in a variety of ways including a legal interview that was comprised of this many questions. Don't worry, though, they were mostly general questions and relatively easy to answer.

What is 29?


President Theodore Roosevelt's Square Deal focused on what he called "the Three C's," which were policies.

What are . . .

1) Control of corporations (trust busting)

2) Consumer & worker protection

3) Conservation of natural resources (environmentalism)


Even though New Immigrants crossed an entire ocean to live in America, they mostly settled among their countrymen in these. Some of the most famous are Chinatowns on the West Coast.

What are ethnic neighborhoods?


This was/is the belief that immigrants should be removed and excluded from coming to the United States. Unfortunately the United States has a long history of this, going back to the Know-Nothing Party in the 1850s.

What is Nativism?


Not only did this law extend the Chinese Exclusion Act for another 10 years (and then made it permanent in 1902), it also forced Chinese-Americans to carry "residence permits" or face deportation.

What is the Geary Act (1892)?


Since detainments could last from anywhere from a few weeks to over a year, the walls of Angel Island's cells are covered with these.

What are poems?


In addition to the types of reforms championed by Roosevelt and Taft, Woodrow Wilson and his New Freedom program also sought to address this.

What is Banking Reform?


Urbanization, and the Gilded Age overall, caused many problem in America, including these (give 3 total).

What are overcrowding, pollution, disease, child labor, poor living conditions, etc.


This was/is the belief that immigrants should be more like us and mixed into the "Great American Melting Pot."

What is Americanization/Assimilation?


This Supreme Court case ensured that the children of Chinese immigrants could not be banned from going to school, and was an early victory against anti-Chinese actions in San Francisco.

What is Tape v. Hurley (1885)?


Once immigrants made it through Ellis Island and Angel Island, respectively, the first place(s) they arrived were these two cities.

What are New York City and San Francisco?


As much credit as we give Roosevelt, Taft, and Wilson for getting Progressive laws passed, none contributed much to the passage of the 18th & 19th Amendments, more commonly known as these.

What are the Prohibition of Alcohol and Women's Suffrage?