Business & Industry
Social & Political Issues
Migration & Urban

This business strategy involves acquiring companies at different stages of production.

What is vertical integration?


This term describes the prejudice and hostility towards immigrants that was common in the Gilded Age.

What is nativism?


The "new immigrants" who arrived in the United States during the Gilded Age primarily came from which region of Europe?

What is Southern and Eastern Europe?


The Gilded Age was characterized by rapid economic growth and social change. What was one of the negative consequences of this rapid growth?

What is increased inequality and social unrest?


The "Robber Barons" were powerful industrialists who often used unethical tactics to build their empires. Name one of these tactics.

What is horizontal integration?


The Gilded Age saw a significant increase in urbanization. What were some of the social challenges faced by cities during this period?

What are overcrowding, poverty, crime, and sanitation problems?


The "melting pot" theory of American society suggests that immigrants should assimilate into American culture. What is another theory that suggests immigrants can maintain their cultural identity while contributing to American society?

What is the "salad bowl" theory?


The "Gilded Age" was coined by Mark Twain. What was his main criticism of this era?

What is that the superficial appearance of wealth and prosperity masked underlying problems such as poverty, inequality, and corruption?


This technological advancement revolutionized the steel industry in the Gilded Age.

What is the Bessemer process?


This Supreme Court case upheld the doctrine of "separate but equal," which legalized racial segregation.

What is Plessy v. Ferguson?


This law restricted immigration from China in the late 19th century.

What is the Chinese Exclusion Act?


The Gilded Age was a time of great innovation and technological advancements. Name one important invention or discovery that occurred during this era.

What is the Light bulb, telephone, automobile, railroad, steam engine, etc. 


The "Gospel of Wealth" was a philosophy promoted by Andrew Carnegie. What was the main idea of this philosophy?

What is the belief that the wealthy have a responsibility to use their wealth for the benefit of society? 


The Social Darwinism theory was used to justify the wealth inequality of the Gilded Age. What was one of the criticisms of this theory discussed in class?

What is the idea that it ignores the role of social and economic factors in determining success?


The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 was a significant setback for Chinese immigrants. What was the main reason for the passage of this law?

What is the fear of competition for jobs and cultural differences?


What was the traditional role of women in American society during the Gilded Age?

What is homemaker and caregiver?
