Big Business
The Other Half
The growth of this industry spurred the growth of the steel, coal, and iron industries
What is Railroads
The arrival and processing point for European immigrants during the Gilded Age (1877-1900)
What is Ellis Island
Created when the Central Pacific and Union Pacific railroad lines met in Utah in 1969. This building project connected the East and West coasts of the U.S. for the first time
What is the transcontinental railroad
The term for individuals who wanted to improve American society during the Gilded Age
What is a progressive
Negative term used to describe powerful businessmen who used unethical methods to get rich
What is a robber baron
This material, created through the Bessemer Process, allowed for the construction of more durable railroads, skyscrapers, and suspension bridges
What is steel
Narrow apartment buildings that were cramped, poorly lit, and often lacked proper ventilation and indoor plumbing. Usually occupied by low-income urban immigrant workers
What is a tenement
This immigrant group was vital to the construction of railroads in the Western United States
Who are Chinese immigrants
Laws passed in the southern states after Reconstruction, designed to create a segregated society and prevent African Americans from exercising their rights
What are Jim Crow laws
Scottish immigrant who dominated the U.S. steel industry and donated much his wealth to good causes
Who is Andrew Carnegie
A business tycoon whose company, Standard Oil, controlled over 90% of U.S. oil refining in the late 1800's
Who is John D. Rockefeller
Organizations of workers formed for the purpose of advancing its members interests in the form of better wages, reasonable hours, and safer work conditions
What are labor unions
A law that encouraged western migration by providing settlers with 160 acres of public land in exchange for a small filing fee and an agreement to stay on the land for 5 years
What is the Homestead Act
Famous muckraker who exposed the illegal business tactics of John D. Rockefeller and Standard Oil
Who is Ida Tarbell
A famous settlement home in Chicago that provided social services to poor immigrants. Founded by progressive reformer, Jane Addams
What is the Hull House
A strategy in which a company buys up all of the businesses that contribute to a step in the production and distribution process of their product
What is vertical integration
An early American labor union made up skilled workers and founded by Samuel Gompers
What is the American Federation of Labor (AFL)
After gold was discovered on Native American lands in Montana, General George Custer and the 7th Cavalry were sent to remove resistant tribes and were all killed in this conflict
What is the Battle of the Little Big Horn
Progressive reform movement led by President Theodore Roosevelt that was focused on protecting America's natural resources
What is conservationism
The origin of most immigrants who came to the United States during the Gilded Age
What is southern and eastern Europe
A business structure in which many large companies are combined and placed under the control of a board of trustees
What is a trust
Process of negotiations between labor union representatives and employers. Usually the first action taken by a union before striking
What is collective bargaining
The last armed conflict between the Plains Indians and the U.S. Government. Resulted in the massacre of over 200 Sioux women, children, and men
What is Wounded Knee
Said that U.S. senators would be directly elected by the citizens of each state
What is the 17th Amendment
Introduced in the Gilded Age, an _______ allows citizens to propose new laws if they have enough support on a petition. If there is enough support for the proposed law, the state government has to put the proposal to a vote called a __________
What is an initiative and referendum