What is Abby’s middle name
What is Carmen’s middle name
what is Avery’s middle name
Avery lynn silly
How long did Carmen and maddux talk before dating
4 months
Carmen’s first celebrity crush
Justin Bieber
What is Abby’s type
If you said Nonchalant , Tall and unfunny YOU ARE CORRECT
What is Carmen’s type
Short king
What is Avery’s type
If you said curly haired indecisive boy you are correct
Avery’s pet cats name
How many siblings does maddux have
Where did Abby loose her V 💳
Most embarrassing thing Carmen has done
Got with a push pop
Name of Avery’s future kids
Abby’s favorite show
How I met your mother
How many siblings does matt have bio
True or false Abby dated a man who was gay secretly
Yes very gay
Name of carmens future babies
Bristol wren
Elijah EmmanuelWhen did Avery and Matt first get together
Summer before freshman year
Carmen’s fav movie
sixteen candels
How many bio siblings does Winston have
Name of Abby’s future kids
Bradley or Alexis
True or false Carmen and maddux have broken up before
who was Avery’s first love
How long did Abby have a talking stage
8 months
LHow many times did Abby and Scott get back tg
How many times did Ave and Matt get back tg
How many times did Carmen and maddux get back tg
None silly it’s a trick question