Define Obsolete
No longer made or used; old or out of date
This character was the previous receiver in training. They only lasted 5 weeks before requesting release.
The state of being full of energy; or strikingly bright or colourful.
Why did the previous receiver in training request release after only 5 weeks?
The pain of the memories was too much to bare.
What is the first memory of REAL physical pain that Jonas receives (not the sunburn)
A broken leg from a sled ride.
Define Writhing
Making twisting, squirming movements
Why do the leaders of the community choose to get rid of colour?
For control and sameness
A feeling that something bad is going to happen
What does Jonas watch on the screen in the Annex room?
Release of a twin new child
What is The Givers favourite memory that he shares with Jonas?
A memory of a family all together at a holiday (christmas). A memory of love.
Define Meticulously
Very carefully, with attention to detail
Why did The Giver advise against increasing the birth and population in the community?
The act of breaking a rule
What is the climax of the story
When Jonas watches his father release a newchild.
What memory affects Jonas and causes him to be upset with Asher and the other children during recreation?
The memory of war (a young boy dying in war).
Define Tantalizing
Tormenting with the idea or promise of something unattainable
What happens when a birthmother gives birth to twins?
They release the lighter twin (by weight)
Making a desperate appeal
What happens that changes The Giver and Jonas' plan?
Father tells Jonas that Gabe will be released in the morning.
What is the first memory Jonas gives to Gabe to help him sleep?
The memory of a sailboat on a lake.
Define Augmented
Having been made greater in size or value
NAME the character that said the following quote AND EXPLAIN what they mean.
"It is how wisdom comes and how we shape our future." (pg. 78)
The Giver- He is talking about why memories are important. They hold the knowledge that we need to not make the same mistakes in the future.
Done or said in a dry, mocking way.
WHO and WHAT motivate Jonas to keep going once he is starving, scared and weak?
Gabe and Love (his love for Gabe keeps him going)
What memory does Jonas share with Gabe with the are starving, freezing and on the edge of death?
A memory of warmth.