The main character
Who is Jonas
Jonas' assignment
What is the receiver of memories?
The first memory
What is a sled ride?
The rule of speaking clearly
What is precision of language?
The person Jonas brought with him
Who is Gabe?
Main characters sister
Who is Lily
Jonas' dads assignment
What is a nurturer?
The first painful memory
What is sunburn?
The rule that Jonas breaks after receiving the memory of love
What is taking the pill for stirrings?
How he escaped the planes
What is memories of cold?
Makes all the decisions in the community
Who is the chief elder
Jonas' mothers assignment
What is a lawyer?
Takes away the pain from The Giver
What is the memory of warfare?
The rule about nines that gets overlooked
What is the bicycle rule?
What is the middle of the night?
The baby the family took care of
Who is Gabe
Asher's assignment
What is a recreation manager?
The Giver's favorite memory
What is the memory of Christmas?
The rule that Jonas can break after becoming receiver of memories
What is lying?
What he saw at the top of the hill
What is a sled?
The failed receiver of memories
Who is rosemary
Fiona's assignment
What is a caretaker of the old?
The strong feeling no one can have
What is love?
The rule that has an exception in the house of the old
What is the rule about looking at naked people?
At the bottom of the hill
What is the house with lights and music?