Who is the main character
The memory Jonas receives that includes physical pain.
What age do kids get their bikes?
This item symbolizes individuality and uniqueness in Jonas
Jonas’s pale eyes
This is the reason why the Community eliminated color
to maintain sameness
Who is Jonas's mentor
The Giver
This memory helps Jonas understand the concept of love.
The rule Jonas breaks by leaving the Community.
leaving the Community without permission
This symbolizes the Community's lack of freedom and choice
The term used for the process of removing a member of the Community.
Who is Jonas's sister
The memory that makes Jonas question war.
The battlefield
these two traits are required of the Receiver of Memory.
wisdom and courage
This represents the weight of memories and responsibility
the sled
Families in the Community consist of this specific structure.
one mother, one father, one son, and one daughter
Who is the infant Jonas saves by escaping the Community.
This positive memory brings Jonas joy after he feels despair.
What is used to disipline the children?
The disipline wand
This symbolizes a new beginning for Jonas and Gabriel
the hill
The feature that marks the boundary of the Community
the river
Whats the name of the Giver’s daughter, who was a failed Receiver.
The memory that prompts Jonas to decide to leave the Community.
The reason why lying is forbidden in the Community.
to maintain trust and order
This color represents the beginning of Jonas’s awakening
This feature is notably missing from the weather in the Community