Who is Jonas best friend?
What is the main goal of the community?
To maintain Sameness.
How are children born and raised in the Community?
Birthmothers give birth, and children are assigned to family units.
What is the first memory the Giver transmits to Jonas?
Sledding in the snow
What role is Jonas assigned during the Ceremony of Twelve?
Receiver of Memory
What is the name of the infant Jonas's family takes care of?
What is the punishment for breaking the rules three times?
What is the role of the Elders in the community?
They govern the community and make all decisions, including job assignments.
What emotion does Jonas experience for the first time when he receives the memory of Christmas?
What does Jonas take with him when he escapes the community?
What specific physical trait sets Jonas apart from most people in the community?
his pale eyes
What is forbidden for all members of the community except the Receiver?
Why are there no biological families in the community?
to prevent emotional attachments and conflict
What painful memory causes Jonas to cry out during training?
a memory of war
How does Jonas learn the truth about "release"?
The Giver shows him a recording of his father releasing an infant.
What role/job is Fiona assigned during the Ceremony of Twelve?
Caretaker of the Old.
How are spouses assigned in the community?
By the Elders based on compatibility
How does the community control the population size?
By regulating births through the use of birthmothers and limiting the number of children assigned to each family.
Why does the Giver transmit painful memories to Jonas?
to give him wisdom and prepare him for the responsibility of being the Receiver
Why does the Giver decide to help Jonas escape the community?
He believes it is the only way to return memories and emotions to the people.
Why did Rosemary's training as the Receiver end in failure?
She couldn't handle the pain of the memories and requested release.
What happens to identical twins born in the community?
The smaller twin is released.
How does the community handle elderly citizens?
They are sent to the "House of Old" where they are cared for until they are released.
What happens to the memories when the Receiver leaves the community?
The memories return to the people, causing chaos and overwhelming emotions.
What does Jonas encounter for the first time during his journey to Elsewhere?
Real weather, including snow and rain. Hunger.