a violation or infringement of a law or agreement
turn away (one's eyes or thoughts)
What does the Chef Elder tell the twelves as they come up for their assignments?
"Thank you for your childhood."
“‘It’s just the pills. You’re ready for the pills, that’s all.’”
This is after Jonas shares his dreams with this family and is told he as the "stirrings." His mother gives him a pill to suppress the feelings. WEIRD!
What happens to Jonas during the Ceremony of 12?
They skip his name.
a symbolic representation of something
a temporary failure of concentration, memory, or judgement
What is the change/symbolism for the ONES?
They get a name/family and are apart of the family unit.
Explain what is happening in this scene:
“Jonas sat, dazed, as they moved into the Thirties and then the Forties, nearing the end.”
This is at the ceremony when they skip his name. He is very worried that he did something wrong or that it was a big mistake.
What selection is Jonas given at the ceremony?
The Receiver of Memory
to poke with a finger, foot, or object
in a way that shows great attention to detail; very thoroughly
What is the change/symbolism for the TWELVES?
They get their assignments and are contributing member of the community.
“Jonas interrupted. ‘What was his name?’ His mother replied, “Her, not his, It was a female. But we are never to speak the name, or to use it again for a newchild.’”
This is when Jonas and his family are talking about the old Receiver. It was a big deal in the community because something bad happened. They are not to talk about it.
What's the one ability only a Receiver of Memory can possess? What convinces Jonas that he has this ability?
The ability to see beyond. He sees the crowd "change" like the apple.
filled with a lively energy and excitement
having or expressing a lively, cheerful, and self-confident manner
What is the change/symbolism for the NINES?
They get bicycles; moving out into the community and away from the family
“[A] quick smack across the hands for a bit of minor misbehavior; three sharper smacks on the bare legs for a second offence.”
This is when Jonas is remember what happened often for Asher. How children are disciplined in the community.
What happened to the last Receiver of Memory?
She was a "failure." They are not allowed to talk about it and cannot speak her name ever. What ever happened was an unpleasant experience.
inducing feelings of anxiety or worry
one piece at a time; gradually
What is the change/symbolism for the EIGHTS (Lily). (3)
1. Jacket with a pocket to keep up with their belongings.
2. Their comfort object gets taken away.
3. Begin volunteer hours.
“Gabe was back at the Nurturing Center today…He had been given an unusual and special reprieve.”
Jonas thinks this at the ceremony when Gabe is not at the naming. Father was able to persuade the community that Gabe needed another year to try and thrive before he is released.
After the ceremonies, how does his family/friends/community react to Jonas?
There is a hesitation when talking to him, lingering looks of uncertainty.