What assignment did Lily want that caused her mother to get upset?
Who has pale eyes like Jonas?
Gabe and the current Receiver
In what ceremony do the children of the community receive their job assignments?
The Ceremony of 12
Why is Gabriel in danger of being released?
He's not growing fast enough and is not sleeping through the night.
What two words was Asher always confusing, causing him to get hit with the discipline wand?
Snack and Smack
What assignment did Asher receive?
Director of Recreation
Who did Larissa tell Jonas was recently released at the House of the Old?
What do the children receive at the Ceremony of 8?
A front buttoned jacket, and they start their volunteer hours.
What color does Jonas learn that he is seeing?
A sunburn.
What assignment did Fiona receive?
Caretaker of the Old
Who had red hair?
Age 9
What can Jonas feel that nobody else but the Giver can feel? (besides color and memories)
Feelings and Emotions
DOUBLE JEOPARDY: Why do Jonas' parents refuse to tell him that they love him?
They think the word LOVE has no meaning.
What is the name of the department where Jonas' mother works?
The Department of Justice
The Committee of Elders
At what age do children lose their long hair?
Age 10
What is a Utopian Society?
A society that is believed to be perfect.
What is the first memory that Jonas receives?
A ride on a sled through falling snow.
What assignment did Lily want Jonas to have?
Who is guilty of giving a memory away, and who did they give the memory to?
Jonas gave away the memory of the sailboat at the lake.
DOUBLE JEOPARDY: What did the children receive at the age of 11?
New clothes for their maturing bodies.
What do people in the community take for "stirrings," and how long do they have to treat the stirrings?
They take pills- they have to take them until they go to the House of the Old.
What are at least 2 community rules that Jonas can break being The Receiver?
He can lie, be rude, ask questions, etc..