The ritual that the family has to do every night...
What is sharing your feelings?
A family unit consists of...
What is 1 Dad, 1 Mom, 1 Daughter and 1 Son?
The similarity that Jonas and Gabriel share are...
What are light colored eyes?
Distraught is...
What is feeling upset/worried?
Norwood Jr High's cell phone policy is...
What is "I see it, I take it!"
To be released means...
What is to be put to "sleep"?
The Receiver is an...
What is Elder?
Lily wants to be a...
What is Birthmother?
Jonas thinks Lily's occupation would be...
What is Speaker?
Spongebob lives in a...
What is Pineapple?
Jonas's dad works as a...
What is Nurturer?
The rule that Jonas's dad breaks is...
What is looking at the Naming List?
Gabriel's comfort object is...
What is a Hippo?
The occupation after "Birthmother" is...
What is Laborer?
Young Thug's lawyer said that THUG stood for...
What is Truly Humbled Under God?
Jonas's mom works in the...
What is the Department of Justice?
Utopia is...
What is a perfect world/society?
This changed color to Jonas...
What is an apple?
The word that Jonas uses to describe his feelings about The Ceremony of 12...
What is apprehensive?
This is always in front of you, but cannot be seen...
What is the future?
The Ceremony of 12 is...
What is when the 11's get an occupation?
This happens when you turn 8...
What is get a 'comfort object'?
Apprehensive is...
What is feelings anxious about what might happen?
Ms. M graduated from...
What is Sacramento State?
Nicki Minaj's fans are called...
What is "The Barbz?