The Giver
Vocab in Context
Word Parts
Topics/Main Ideas
Lily's mother discourages her from the assignment of_______________.
Birth mother
Now, thinking about the feeling of fear as he pedaled home along the river path, he remembered that moment of PALPABLE, stomach-sinking terror when the aircraft had streaked above. The meaning of PALPABLE is________________.
capable of being perceived; able to touch or feel
An inference is a type of_______.
The affix is______________ and the meaning of the affix is___________________. RELEASE
Affix="re" Meaning of affix="again"
Using your book, what is the main idea of Chapter 1 of "The Giver"?
Jonas is feeling apprehensive about the upcoming ceremony. Introduction of the Society/book setting.
Name two rules given to Jonas on his assignment sheet.
1. Go immediately at the end of school hours each day to the Annex entrance behind the House of the Old and present yourself to the attendant. 2. Go immediately to your dwelling at the conclusion of Training Hours each day. 3. From this moment you are exempted from rules governing rudeness. You may ask any question of any citizen and you will receive answers. 4. Do not discuss your training with any other member of the community, including parents and Elders. 5. From this moment you are prohibited from dream-telling. 6. Except for illness or injury unrelated to your training, do not apply for any medication. 7. You are prohibited to apply for release. 8. You may lie.
He wanted to share them, but he wasn’t eager to begin the process of SIFTING through his own complicated emotions, even with the help that he knew his parents could give. The meaning of SIFTING is___________.
sorting through, examining, understanding
From "The Giver" chapter 14: "'Is something wrong, Jonas?' his father asked at the evening meal. 'You're so quiet tonight. Aren't you feeling well? Would you like some medication?' But Jonas remembered the rules. No medication for anything related to his training." From the passage, you can infer that Jonas replies to his father with a YES or NO?
No. Context clue: "No medication..."
The affix is____________ and the meaning of the affix is______________. DISGRACE
Affix="dis" Meaning of affix="not"
Using your book, what is the main idea of the third chapter?
Jonas' family takes in the newchild, Gabriel. Jonas notices that the apple "changes" while he is throwing it.
The first memory that the Giver gives to Jonas is of__________________.
Snow and sledding down a hill.
He had been given an unusual and special REPRIEVE from the committee, and granted an additional year of nurturing before his Naming and Placement. The meaning of REPRIEVE is______________.
a relief from harm or discomfort; to cancel or postpone a punishment
From "The Giver" chapter 13: "The Giver had chosen a startling and disturbing memory that day. Under the touch of his hands, Jonas found himself suddenly in a place that was completely alien: hot and windswept under a vast blue sky. There were tufts of sparse grass, a few bushes and rocks, and nearby he could see an area of thicker vegetation."
the desert; Africa; in the middle of nowhere
The affix is_____and the part of speech of the ROOT + AFFIX is_______________. FRUSTRATION
Affix="-tion" Part of speech of ROOT + AFFIX=noun
Using your book, what is the main idea of the sixth chapter?
The first part of the Ceremony is held. Jonas is anxious for the Ceremony of the Twelves.
At this ceremony (age), the children receive their bicycles.
The Ceremony of the Nines.
The community was so METICULOUSLY ordered, the choices so carefully made. The meaning of the word METICULOUS is____________.
marked by extreme care and attention to detail
From "The Giver" chapter 13: "With all of his begin he tried to give each of them of piece of the memory: not of the tortured cry of the elephant, but of the being of the elephant...But his father continued to comb Lily's long hair..." What can we infer about Jonas' attempt to transfer the memory?
It didn't work. Context clue: "But his father continued to comb Lily's long hair..."
The affixes are_________ and the part of speech of the AFFIX + ROOT is______________. DUTIFULLY
Affixes="ful" AND "ly" Part of speech of AFFIX + ROOT=dutiful: adj; dutifully: adv Jonas could see them applauding DUTIFULLY as the Nines, one by one, wheeled their new bicycles, each with its gleaming name tag attached to the back, from the stage.
Using your book, what is the main idea of the 10th chapter?
Jonas' first day of training as the "Receiver of Memory."
After transmitting the memory to Jonas, the Giver no longer has_____________.
The memory.
But the most CONSPICUOUS difference was the books. The meaning of CONSPICUOUS is____________.
standing out so as to be clearly visible; obvious to the eye or mind
From "The Giver" chapter 13: "'Giver,' he asked...'what causes pain? Oh, I remember the sunburn you gave me on the very first day. But that wasn't so terrible. What is it that makes you suffer so much?' The Giver nodded. 'Lie down,' he said. 'It's time, I suppose.'" From this passage, we can infer that the Giver is going to_________.
Give more painful memories to Jonas so he can experience pain.
The affix is__________ and the part of speech of the ROOT + AFFIX is_____________. CHASTISEMENT
Affix="-ment" Part of speech of ROOT + AFFIX=noun Lily, he decided, would have to learn that soon, or she would be called in for CHASTISEMENT because of her insensitive chatter.
Using your book, what is the main idea of the 13th chapter?
Jonas learns more about the life of "The Receiver of Memory." Jonas tries to get others to understand color and other memories.