He is chosen as the Receiver of Memory
What happened to Rosemary, the previous Receiver-in-Training?
She couldn't handle the pain of the memories and chose to be released
What happens when a Receiver-in-Training fails?
Their memories are released back to the community, causing chaos
How do the community's rules affect emotions and relationships?
They eliminate deep emotions, making relationships shallow and controlled
What does "The River" represent?
Represents escape, change, and freedom
What is The Giver's most important job?
To hold the community's memories and pass them to the new Reciever.
He sneaks out at night and rides his bicycle away with Gabe
What happens to Jonas's memories when he leaves the community?
They return to the people, forcing them to experience emotions and pain.
How does Jonas's view of "release" change throughout the book?
At first, he thinks it is peaceful, but then he realizes it means death
What does "The Apple" symbolize?
Symbolizes the ability to see beyond
What unusual thing happens when Jonas throws an apple?
The apple changes in a way he doesn't understand (he sees the color red)
Why does Jonas take Gabriel with him when he escapes?
Gabriel is going to be released, and Jonas wants to save him
Why does the Giver chose to stay behind when Jonas leaves?
Why does Jonas feel isolated after he begins his training?
What does "Release" represent?
Represents death and the community's control over life
What does Jonas experience as he starts receiving memories?
He feels emotions like pain, joy, and love for the first time
How does The Giver feel about the rules of the community?
He believes they are wrong but has accepted them until Jonas arrives
How does Jonas change from the beginning to the end of the book?
He transforms from obedient and naïve to rebellious and aware
What do the "Pills of Stirrings" represent?
Suppress natural emotions and desires
What does Jonas learn about "release?"
It is actually euthanasia; people are killed instead of being sent elsewhere
What new experiences does Jonas encounter as he escapes?
He sees animals, feels hunger, and experiences real weather for the first time
Why is the ending of The Giver open to interpretation?
It is unclear if Jonas finds a real town or if he hallucinates as he dies
What message does The Giver convey about freedom and control?
That too much control removes real human experiences and emotions
What does "Elsewhere" represent?
Represents the unknown, hope, and true life