This person was a priest from Germany.
Who was Martin Luther?
This was the split between the Catholics and the Eastern Orthodox.
What was the Great Schism?
These communities didn't offer any roles to women.
Who were the Catholics and Protestants?
This person is in the most powerful position in the Catholic Church.
Who is the Pope?
This is the formal separation of a church between two parts.
What is a Schism?
This invention helped quickly spread Reformation thinking.
What was the Printing Press?
Many women transitioned to this religion despite the lack of extra opportunities or benefits.
What is Protestantism?
These make up 10% of the Catholic Church's income.
What are Tithings?
These are the propositions for debate that talked about the indulgences of the Catholic Church
What are the 95 Theses?
These are places that had small Catholic communities before the Reformation.
What are India, Egypt, and Central Asia?
The veneration of these people left only male saints to be worshipped.
Who are female saints?
This is a large area that Archbishops are in control of.
What is an archdiocese?
This was a war that took place from 1618 to 1648.
What was the 30 Years War?
These places had the most successful conversions to Catholicism.
What are Spanish America and the Philippines?
The closing of these took away the alternative to marriage for women.
What are Convents?
These were some of the abuses mentioned in the 95 Theses
What are Indulgences, Clerical Corruptions, The Pope, and Clergy education?
This is the church where Martin Luther nailed the 95 Theses.
What is the Schlosskirche, or Castle Church?
This was a group established by Ignatius of Loyola to educate the church.
What was the Jesuit Order?
These opportunities were given to women because of the Protestant importance of reading the Bible.
What were stimulated education and literacy?
These pieces of paper were sold to the public to lessen the time spent in purgatory.
What are Indulgences?