This character is Estha's twin. She and Estha have a close bond starting from when they are born into later on in their lives.
Who is Rahel
This theme is the reason why it was such a disgrace for Velutha and Ammu to be together. It is a large part in the Indian lifestyle.
What is society and class
"Ammu, shall I miss dinner as my punishment?"
Who is Rahel
This symbol is first found in the beginning of the novel; it is literally is a species that Pappachi believes is an undiscovered species. However it symbolizes the times in the novel when Rahel feels alone and afraid for example when Rahel knows that Sophie Mol has died, the mouth is present.
What is Pappachi's moth.
Where is Sophie Mol's body found?
What is a river
This character is the twins father. He was not present for the majority of the twins lives.
Who is Baba
This is possibly the biggest theme in the novel. It shows the relationship between Rahel and Estha. The twins and Ammu. Pappachi and Ammu.
What is family
"Anything can happen to anyone. It's best to be prepared." (Chapter 10)
Who is Estha
This symbol is another thing that ties into the idea of freezing time because this symbol’s purpose to preserve things to last for a long time. Sophie Mol’s death is constantly brought up in the novel and so this symbol relates to that idea of preserving the memories.
What is Paradise Pickles and Preserves
What is an "Untouchable" in the Indian society?
What is the lowest class of society.
This character is the twins cousin. She is killed when she falls out of a boat and drowns while rowing with Rahel and Estha.
Who is Sophie Mol
This theme was often displayed by Rahel. One example of it was when Rahel claimed to see Sophie Mol do a cartwheel in her coffin.
What is versions of reality.
"Think of all the poor people who have nothing to eat or drink. You’re a lucky rich boy, with pocket money and a grandmothers factory to inherit. You should Thank God that you have no worries.” (Page 100)
Who is The orangedrink lemondrink man
This symbol ties into the device of flashbacks and flash-forwards, that the author uses. This symbol is considered to be broke as it is “frozen” at he specific moment of event of Sophie Mol’s death. This symbol is said to signify the importance of the event of Sophie Mol’s death.
What is Rahel's watch
What was Baba that made him a bad father? Ammu eventually left him for this reason.
What is an alcoholic.
This character molests Estha while he is in the lobby of a movie theater when his family goes to see the movie "The Sound of Music".
Who is the Orangedrink-Lemondrink man
This theme acts as a motivator that pushes characters to act in particular, and often dangerous ways.
What is fear
"Do you know what happens when you hurt people? When you hurt people they begin to love you less." (Page 237)
Who is Ammu
This symbol represents the influence of centuries of tradition on worldview of society.
What is the History House
When Ammu goes to the police to clear Velutha's name, they tell her that Velutha is _____.
What is dead
This character is Sophie Mol's father. He is Ammu's brother and Rahel and Estha's uncle.
Who is Chacko
This theme is an emotion that is often misplaced throughout the story. Estha experiences this feeling after he is molested to the orangedrink-lemondrink man and thinks he did something wrong.
What is Guilt/Blame
"I never want to hear you discussing peoples deaths with them again." (Page 80)
Who is Ammu
This symbol is represents the bigger things in the novel. They are the group who beats up Velutha. This group dehumanizes Velutha because they do not consider him to be a human because he is an Untouchable.
What is the police
How does Ammu die?
What is a lung disorder