How much do perks currently pay?
Sally comes in and you discover she pays for streaming services, she pays for Disney and Netflix. Which perks are you offering her?
Disney & Neflix with Max
How much do you get payed for protection?
What are the prices of the 5G Home internet and 5G home plus with no phones on the account without auto pay?
5G Home 60
5G Home plus 80
What are rules number 1 & 6?
When will the payout of the perks change?
April 1st
what perk can you offer to someone who loves to travel overseas?
3 day travel pass perk
How much is VMP MD if a customer has 3 lines
How much is the discount on 5G Home internet on a premium and on a non premium plan?
premium plan $25
non premium pan $10
What is the new price for watch lines?
What are the 5 for $20 (name them)
Disney bundle & Netflix Max
Disney, Hulu, ESPN, Netflix, HBO Max
Mr. Smith currently pays for apple music for him and his 3 kids. He pays $10.99 per user, he also pays for Disney and xbox live for his kids as well, What can you offer Mr. Smith to allow you to create space on the account?
Apple music family, + play
How much is VZP MD if an account has 5 lines?
What time frame is the home internet price locked in for?
5 years
What will perks pay beginning April?
What is the price of a perk when a client has a military discount?
Kayla came to upgrade 2 of her phones. She has all iphones and has 5 lines. You talked her into the apple one individual perk for each line, you also discovered she pays 18.99 for the Disney bundle so you added the Disney bundle perk. How much did you make off of perks only on the sale?
Bob came in for a bill pay, you notice he had brand new phones on all his lines that he purchased last week but had only one with WPP ($7.25). He has 5 lines in total and you added the VZPMD sku, How many skus do you get payed out for?
How much do you make selling a 5G Home internet on the plus plan?
April 13th
Name the 10 perks we offer.
Netflix & Max, Disney Bundle, Apple one, Apple music Family, 3 travel pass, 100 Gb hotspot, 2TB Verizon Clouds, Walmart & paramount +, + play, Smart watch dat & safety.
If a client has a Premium Unlimited plan and ADDS a watch to the account, What is the price that is pitched to the client if the watch line has the Smartwatch Data & Safety feature activated?
Mr. Paul has 4 lines, he upgraded 2 lines and they both had WPP ($7.25) the other 2 had VZP ($17), you switch them to VZPMD how many skus can you use on your sale?
What are the speeds of the basic 5G Home and the 5G Home Plus?
Basic: 50 to 300mbps
Plus :85 to 1gbps
Will current ACP applicants be losing their discount after next month?
Yes or No
Yes, April will be the last month ACP customers will be receiving their discount.