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How many generations are between Abraham and Jesus Christ?

42 Generations


Who are the Magi and what did they do?

This group of people, guided by a star in the East, came to worship the newborn Jesus Christ, representing the Gentiles.


What was John the Baptist's main message?

2 and saying, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand!”

☦️: John’s message was to prepare the people for the coming of the Messiah, urging them to repent and be baptized as a sign of forgiveness, making them ready to receive Christ.


How long did Jesus Christ fast in the wilderness?

40 Days and Nights


What is the first Beatitude?

3 Blessed are the poor in spirit, 

For theirs is the kingdom of heaven.


What does Emmanuel mean?

God is with us


Which country did Saint Mary and Joseph flee to in order to avoid King Herod?



How many days after a boy or girl is born are they typically baptized?

A boy is typically baptized on the 40th day after birth, while a girl is baptized on the 80th day.


How did Jesus respond to Satan's offer of all the kingdoms of the world?

10 Then Jesus said to him, “Away with you, Satan! For it is written, ‘You shall worship the LORD your God, and Him only you shall serve.’ ”

He rejected earthly power and affirmed loyalty to God alone.


Why did Jesus give His Sermon on the Mount?

Christ chose to speak from the top of the mountain to signify His royalty and divine authority. 

☦️: This mirrors the separation in churches, where the clergy are elevated above the congregation for clearer communication. Additionally, it follows the example of Old Testament figures, such as Moses, who received the Ten Commandments atop Mount Sinai.


How does Joseph respond to the angel's message in his dream?

Joseph demonstrates faith and obedience by trusting God's message.

☦️: God's message was sent through a dream, choosing to take care of Mary and raise Jesus, despite the difficult circumstances. His actions reflect his trust in God and his key role in God's plan for salvation.

13 Now when they had departed, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream, saying, “Arise, take the young Child and His mother, flee to Egypt, and stay there until I bring you word; for Herod will seek the young Child to destroy Him.”


Who is King Herod and what did he do?

He was ruler of Judea and ordered the killing of all male infants in Bethlehem. 

☦️: Herod viewed Christ’s birth as a threat to his own throne. He summoned Jewish leaders because he knew little about the Jewish Messiah and he feared losing his throne to this newborn King.  


Why does John hesitate to baptize Jesus?

John hesitates because he believes Jesus should be baptizing him, not the other way around. However, Jesus insists that it is necessary to fulfill all righteousness, demonstrating humility and the proper example for all believers.


Who were the first two disciples Jesus called?

The first two disciples Jesus called were Peter and Andrew

☦️: They were fishermen and Jesus called them to follow Him and become “fishers of men.”


What is the difference between meek and weak?

Meekness is associated with controlling emotions and having a forgiving heart, leading to inheriting the earth, while weakness refers to an inability to control emotions and a lack of strength and conviction.


What does the number 14 symbolize in the genealogy?

The number 14 symbolizes King David. In Hebrew, the letters of "David" add up to 14.

☦️: Matthew uses this number to show that Jesus is a descendant of David, fulfilling the prophecy that the Messiah would come from David’s line.


What does Bethlehem mean?

This city's name, meaning “the house of bread,” is where Jesus was born, symbolizing that Jesus is the "Bread of Life."


How does the baptism of Jesus Christ reveal the Mystery of the Trinity?

At Jesus’ baptism, the Trinity is revealed: the Father speaks from heaven, the Son is in the river, and the Holy Spirit descends like a dove. This is the first clear revelation of the three-in-one nature of God in the New Testament.


Why did Jesus tell Satan in Matthew 4:7, “You shall not tempt the Lord your God”?

Jesus rebuked Satan for trying to test God’s promises. He emphasized that we should never test God, trusting that He will act according to His will without needing us to test Him.


What does Jesus teach about hunger and thirst?

Jesus highlights the importance of fasting, teaching that while our bodies suffer from hunger and thirst, we should not devote all our energy to satisfying these physical needs. 

☦️: Instead, it is a good deed to give to those who are hungry or thirsty. Those who hunger and thirst for righteousness will be filled by the kingdom of heaven.


Who were the three women listed in Christ's lineage?

The three women listed in Christ's lineage are Tamar, Rahab, and Ruth. 

☦️: These women represent God's grace and His willingness to work through individuals, regardless of their background or past, to fulfill His promises.


What were the three gifts brought to Christ's nativity and what do they symbolize?

The three gifts, brought by the Magi, symbolize Jesus' kingship (gold), divinity(frankincense), and eventual suffering(myrrh).


What is the difference between John’s baptism and the baptism that Jesus Christ will bring?

John baptizes with water for the repentance of sins, but Jesus Christ will baptize with the Holy Spirit, offering a deeper, transformative experience that brings salvation.


What were the temptations that were attempted on Jesus in the wilderness?

The three temptations were food, greed, power.

☦️:The three temptations were:

  1. Food – Satan tempted Jesus to turn stones into bread when He was hungry.
  2. Greed – Satan tempted Jesus to throw Himself down from the temple, misquoting scripture to test God's protection.
  3. Power – Satan offered Jesus all the kingdoms of the world if He worshiped him.

What does it mean to be "poor in spirit," from the first Beatitude?

Being "poor in spirit" means having a humble and contrite heart, recognizing one's dependence on God. 

☦️: It is the first Beatitude because humility is the foundation of spiritual growth and righteousness, helping to counteract the pride that leads to sin. Those who are poor in spirit are open to God's grace and are promised the Kingdom of Heaven.
