What are the Gospels?

Where are the Gospels found? New or Old Testament?

The Gospels are found in the New Testament of the Bible.


Who is Matthew?

Matthew, also called Levi, was one of the 12 disciples and the author of the first Gospel. He was called upon by Jesus while sitting in a tax collector booth collecting taxes for Rome. 


What is the Gospel of Mark? 

Reports of good news. 

They Gospel of Mark is good news reports of Jesus's death and his resurrection. 


What was Luke's Profession?

A Physician 


Who authored John?

The apostle John

John was a disciple of Jesus, he also was the son of Zebedee and brother of James


What are the Gospels?

They are accounts of the life, teachings, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ written by Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.


What does the Gospel of Matthew focus on?

The Gospel of Matthew focuses on Jesus’ presence. Matthew tells the story of the birth of Jesus Christ, and the doubt within Joesph in marrying Mary. 


Jesus's strengths, miracles, deeds, teachings, and overcoming evil are all characteristics of Jesus's what?

Jesus's ministry. 

Jesus's ministry began after he was baptized. It was known that God would wipe out the evil form the Earth. Jesus went around preaching about God and how you should believe in the Gospel. He tried to help and get people to believe in God. Jesus would succeed in the areas where people failed. 

The Whole Story of the Bible in 16 Verses


What is the major theme of Luke?

Jesus = Savior for all 

Luke's Gospel is a call to everyone around the world, whatever our social or moral status, to abandon our futile methods of self-salvation and leave all to follow Christ, the great Friend of sinners (Luke 7:34; 9:57–62; 18:9–14).


Jesus meets with a woman at a well on his way to Galilee, where is the woman from?


Samaritans had a mix of both Jewish and Gentile ancestry. Most Jews thought Samaritans were unclean and refused to travel through their land. Jesus not only was in Samaria but spoke with a Samaritan woman who would have been looked down upon in society because of her sin.


What does the word “Gospel” mean?

Gospel means the ‘good news’: Jesus has come! It refers to the announcement that Jesus has brought the reign of God to our world through his life, death, and resurrection from the dead.


What is the 1st Chapter of Matthew about?

It is about the genealogy of Jesus Christ as well as the birth of Jesus and the doubt within joseph in marry Mary. 


How did Jesus die?


Soldiers put a purple robe on him and a crown with thrones. The soldiers mocked and made fun of him. They made Jesus carry the cross and then crucified him on it at nine in the morning. At three in the afternoon Jesus called out and the soldiers still mocked them and that was when Jesus took his last breath. 


What is Jesus's mission in Luke?

preach the Good News and give people an understanding of the Kingdom of God and the eternal hope that they had through Him."He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set free the oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor” (Luke 4:18–19)


At the beginning of the book of John, we are introduced to a person who says “I am not the Messiah but am sent ahead of him”. Who is it?

John the Baptist

John the Baptist emphasized God’s judgment against sin and the need for people to repent in preparation for the coming kingdom.


How are the Gospels different?

Each Gospel was written for a particular audience and emphasized different aspects of Jesus's life and teachings. Each Gospel writer had a different style and purpose in presenting the life of Jesus.


What were Jesus’ 5 teachings as a manual on discipleship?

The sermon on the mount, the sending of the 12, parables, rules of community life, and the Olivet discourse. The 5 teachings were important to provide the way to be happy, find peace, and return to live with God. 


Who found the empty tomb?

Mary Magdalene

Mary and Salome were going to the tomb where Jesus was buried. When they arrived they had seen the large stone had already been rolled away. As Mary entered she seen a man in a robe that told her Jesus had risen and to go tell Peter and the disciple. Afraid, Mary ran and she didn't tell anyone. 


What did Jesus ride into Jerusalem on?

A donkey 

Jesus' riding a donkey on his triumphant entry to Jerusalem is a model of humility and selflessness. Donkeys are symbols of humbleness, and by choosing one instead of a horse, Jesus showed his humility. This fulfilled an Old Testament prophecy about the coming of a righteous king on a donkey.


When Jesus was in Bethany, Mary honored Jesus in a very special way—she anointed him. What did she anoint him with?


Mary poured the perfume on Jesus’s feet and wiped his feet with her hair. This was an act of pure love for Jesus. The perfume, Pure Nard, as John describes, would have been very expensive costing a year’s worth of wages.


How have the Gospels influenced history and culture?

The Gospels serve as foundational texts for Christianity, influencing its spread across the Roman Empire and beyond. Jesus' teachings recorded in the Gospels have had a significant impact on Western societies' ethical and moral frameworks, influencing ideas about justice, forgiveness, and compassion.


Who was the main (og) audience of the Book of Matthew?

The church in Antioch, Syria. Its members include the Jewish and gentile Christians. 


What happens at the end on the Gospel Mark? 

Jesus visited the eleven. 

When the eleven heard Jesus had risen they did not believe it. Three people had reported they had seen Jesus yet it was still not believed. Jesus then appeared in front of them and criticized them for not believing. Jesus explained to them how those who do believe will be commended and those who do not believe will not be commended. Then after the disciples went and preached everywhere. 


What is the last chapter of Luke about?

the discovery of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, his appearances to his disciples, and his ascension into heaven


What is the purpose of the book of John?

John focuses on seven of Jesus’ signs (miracles), to show Jesus’ divinity.

Jesus turns water into wine [John 2]

Jesus heals an official’s son [John 4]

Jesus heals a man at the pool on the Sabbath [John 5]

Jesus feeds five thousand [John 6]

Jesus walks on water [John 6]

Jesus heals a blind man [John 9]

Jesus resurrects Lazurus [John 11]
