Disney Quotes: Finish It
Disney Songs: Finish the Line
Video Games
Computer Games

"Any one of them would be an excellent choice. But as the most fabulous character of all..."

What is, "I nominate... a toad."?


"Put your faith in what you most believe in..."

What is, "Two worlds, one family."?


This is the total number of levels in the Super Mario Bros. (1985) game.

What is 32 levels?


With 1000 questions over 7 subjects, this "Edutainment" game show-themed computer game had players recruited by Chase Devineaux to counter the worldwide threat of knowledge robbery.

What is Carmen Sandiego's ThinkQuick Challenge?


The "fillin-ponka-hartin-hoota-bunka-barton-flim-flammin-ragga-fragga" outbursts cost this character money every time he blew his top.

Who is Yosemite Sam?


"Once upon a time in a faraway land, there was a tiny kingdom. Peaceful, prosperous and rich in..."

What is, "...romance and tradition."?


"I'll tell you a tale of the bottomless blue and it's hey to the starboard, heave ho! Look out lad, a mermaid be waitin' for you..."

What is, "In mysterious fathoms below."?


This is the name of Lucky Luke's horse.

Who is Jolly Jumper?


In Zoombinis Mountain Rescue, a small group of Zoombinis are trapped in a cave while seeking shelter from a storm. They come across these strange creatures that have been scattered across the land and away from home. 

What are Boolies?


This character in Totally Spies shares a name with another beloved cartoon character from the 1940s.

Who is Jerry?


"For the first six months or so, we lived in a small house near the park. A modest little place, but..."

What is, "...just right for two couples who were just starting out."?


"To set the bait, re-create the date..."

What is, "...the first time Cupid shot 'em."?


Dance Dance Revolution: SuperNova housed this song by Ryu, containing a 172 maximum combo for its intermediate level.

What is Rainbow Rainbow?


In Reading Blaster 2000, these were the four possible names of the cereal the player could choose from when creating a commercial to play during the gameshow's breaks.

What are Cavity Crisp, Honey Hunks, Sugar Slabs, or Sweetie Squares?


This is the name of the interesting monster that Bugs Bunny evaded multiple times.

Who is Gossamer?


"But-but the man cub is-is like my own son. Surely he's entitled to..."

What is, "...the protection of the pack."?


"For the New World is like heaven, and we'll all be rich and free..."

What is, "Or so we have been told by the Virginia Company."?


 Published by Sega then released on the Genesis, this video game stars Mickey Mouse attempting to save Minnie from the evil witch named Mizrabel.

What is "The Castle of Illusion"?


This creepy game starred a character named Bouapha ("BWAH-fuh"), a bald guy who loved Chinese food, wore a green shirt and blue pants, and was armed with nothing but red hammers to re-collect the brains that have been stolen from the town organ bank.

What is Spooky Castle? (From Galaxy of Games)


Abbott and Castello have their permanent cameos as these two Looney Tunes characters.

Who are Babbit and Catstello?


"Once upon a time, in a faraway land, a young prince lived in a shining castle. Although eh had everything his heart desired, the prince was..."

What is , "...spoiled, selfish, and unkind."?


"Sit down at my table. Put your minds at ease. If you relax it will enable me..."

What is, "...to do anything I please."?


This is the name of the antagonist that Sir Pac-A-Lot trapped under the center tree of Pac-Village using Golden Fruit.

Who is King Spooky?


This is simply the name of this game below.

What is Bonkerz?


This loveable character shares a name with a tart topping for burgers or just plain snacking.

Who is Dill Pickle?
