Verb Your Expectations!
Positively Possessive!
The Great Pronoun Showdown
In Tents: A Grammar Adventure
“Less is More: The Grammar Edition”

Choose the verb that correctly completes the sentence: Although people admire flowers for their beauty, the true function of blossoms ________ to make seeds.

a. is

b. were

c. being

d. are

a. is

The subject "function" is singular, so we use "is" to match it.


Choose the word that best completes the sentence.

The _______ bicycles were parked next to their backpacks.

a. girl’s

b. girle’s

c. girls’s

d. girls'

d. girls'

This option indicates that the bicycles belong to multiple girls, showing the correct plural possessive form.


Choose the pronoun that best completes the sentence.

The ancient Romans and Greeks associated the planet Mars with a war god because _______ color resembles the

color of blood.

a. their

b. its

c. his

d. her

b. its

This pronoun correctly refers to Mars as a singular entity, indicating that its color resembles the color of blood.


What is the correct way to write the underlined part of the sentence?

The natural forest of Tall Pines is covering more than half the 1,560 acres of Tall Pines County Park.

a. has covered

b. have covered

c. cover

d. covers

d. covers

This option is correct because it agrees with the singular subject "forest," indicating that it is currently covering the area.


Choose the word that best fits in the sentence.

The ______ mouse hid from the cat.

a. frightened

b. quickly

c. dearly

a. frightened


Choose the word that correctly completes the sentence: Purchasing furniture, decorative textiles, and carpets _______ a means by which many people participate in the visual arts.

a. being

b. is

c. are.

d. were

b. is

"Purchasing" is a singular subject, so we use "is" to match it.


Choose the word that best completes the sentence.

The _______ trunk was raised high into the air.

a. elephants

b. elephant’s

c. elephants’

d. No change

b. elephant's

This option shows possession, indicating that the trunk belongs to one elephant.


Choose the pronoun that correctly completes the sentence.

Before making any type of pottery product, potters must prepare the clay by pressing and squeezing _______

with their hands.

a. them

b. him

c. her

d. it

d. it

This pronoun correctly refers to the singular noun "clay," indicating that potters prepare it with their hands.


What is the correct way to write the underlined verb in the sentence?

The sculptor is immortalized by his creation, which will endure the years and the abrasive sands of the desert.

a. is enduring

b. has endured

c. was enduring

d. had endured

b. has endured

This option indicates that the creation has withstood the test of time and the abrasive sands of the desert, emphasizing its lasting nature.


Choose the word that best fits in the sentence.

The ______ dog wagged its tail.

a. quickly

b. happily

c. friendly

d. softly

c. friendly


Choose the verb that correctly completes the sentence: Whenever Pete draws, one of the characteristics of his picture ______ his initials hidden somewhere in the drawing.

a. are

b. am

c. were

d. is

d. is

The subject "characteristics" refers to one specific (singular) characteristic, so we use "is" to match it.


Choose the correct word to complete the sentence.

Maria Perez, a famous _______ book author, visited our school.

a. childrens

b. children

c. children’s

d. childrens'

c. children's

This option shows the correct possessive form, indicating that the author writes books for children.


Choose the pronoun to correctly complete the sentence.

Each of the cars that my father test drove at the car dealership had _______ pros and cons.

a. its

b. their

c. our

d. your

a. its

This pronoun correctly refers to "each," which is singular, indicating that each car has its own pros and cons.


Which word should replace the underlined word to maintain consistency in verb tense?

In addition to their unsightliness, billboards were a safety hazard to drivers and pedestrians in residential


a. was

b. is

c. are

d. be

c. are

This option maintains consistency in verb tense by aligning with the present tense context of the sentence, indicating that billboards continue to be a safety hazard.


What is the adverb in this sentence?

Lacey quickly gathered her books and left.

a. quickly

b. gathered

c. her

d. left

a. quickly


Choose the word that correctly completes the sentence: The collection of vintage comic books ______ a treasure trove for any fan.

a. are
b. were
c. am
d. being

a. are

The subject "collection" is singular, but we refer to multiple comic books, so we use "are."


What is the correct way to write the underlined words?

The bald eagles habitat includes lakes, rivers, and wetland areas.

a. bald eagle’es

b. bald eagle’s

c. bald eagles’

d. bald eagles’s

c. bald eagles'

This option shows the correct possessive form for multiple bald eagles, indicating that the habitat belongs to them.


Which sentence demonstrates correct agreement of pronoun and antecedent?

a. Either Thomas or Julio ate their lunch under that tree.

b. Neither Mateo nor his friends could finish their homework assignment on time.

c. A college student must work hard if they want to earn a degree.

d. I believe a person should mind their own business.

b. Neither Mateo nor his friends could finish their homework assignment on time.

This sentence demonstrates correct agreement because "his" correctly refers to Mateo, while "friends" is plural, maintaining agreement within the context.


Which word should replace the underlined word to maintain consistency in verb tense?
The concert was amazing, and the crowd enjoy every moment of it.
a. enjoyed
b. is enjoying
c. enjoys
d. were enjoying

a. enjoyed

This option maintains past tense consistency with "was," indicating that the crowd enjoyed the concert.


In which sentence should its be replaced with it’s?

a. Each writing group that has signed up for the writing workshop should have its own meeting room.

b. Referring to Wuthering Heights, the publisher reports that, of the five novels written by the Brontë sisters, its one that is still frequently read by students.

c. Although she lived over one hundred years ago, Emily Dickinson wrote poetry that is still admired today for its use of unusual metaphors.

d. As a result of practicing several times each week over the past three months, the high school debate

team has earned its place in the state competition.

b. Referring to Wuthering Heights, the publisher reports that, of the five novels written by the Brontë sisters, its one that is still frequently read by students.


Choose the word that correctly completes the sentence: Her favorite hobby, painting, involves ______ creative and expressive.

a. is
b. was
c. are
d. being

d. being

"Being" is used to describe the state of being creative and expressive.


What is the correct way to write the underlined part of this sentence?

Gerald sundae melted quickly in the afternoon heat.

a. Geralds’s

b. Gerald’s

c. Geralds’

d. No change

b. Gerald's

This option shows the correct possessive form, indicating that the sundae belongs to Gerald.


Choose the pronoun that best completes the sentence.
Neither the teacher nor the students brought _______ own supplies to class.
a. their
b. his or her
c. its
d. our

a. their

This option is commonly accepted in informal contexts to refer to both the teacher and the students collectively.


Which word should replace the underlined word to maintain consistency in verb tense?
She writes beautifully, and her latest novel caught the attention of many readers.
a. has caught
b. catching
c. was catching
d. catches

a. has caught

This option aligns with the present tense of "writes," indicating that her novel has received ongoing attention.


Which word is the correct replacement for the underlined word in the sentence?

Why do less young adults participate in the voting process than ever before?

a. least

b. lesser

c. few

d. fewer

d. fewer
