a book of scripture containing revelations from the Lord to the Prophet Joseph Smith and to a few other latter-day prophets.
Doctrine and Covenants
What does the term "apostasy" generally mean?
Apostasy occurs when people turn away from the true doctrine of the gospel and reject the Lord’s authorized servants. One period of apostasy took place following the New Testament period, after the Savior established His Church and commissioned His Apostles to lead it
What ancient record was left for the people during the apostasy?
What is the name of the book Joseph Smith translated that is considered another testament of Jesus Christ?
The Book of Mormon
What is Covenants?
A covenant is a sacred agreement between God and a person or group of people.
What event is believed to have ended the Great Apostasy?
The First Vision of Joseph Smith
What version of the bible is considered the most correct translation?
King James Version
Who appeared as an angel to deliver the Golden Plates to Joseph Smith?
Angel Moroni
Who is the primary contributors to the Doctrine and Covenants?
Joseph Smith
What is a modern example of apostasy within the LDS Church?
Openly opposing Church teachings or leading others astray
What object, buried in a hill, was used by Joseph Smith to translate the Book of Mormon and restore lost truths?
The Golden Plates
Who restored the Aaronic Priesthood to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery?
John the Baptist
What is the Doctrine and Covenants often referred to as?
A book of modern-day revelation
What are the 4 essential elements that was lost during Apostasy?
Apostles and prophets
What sacred tool did Joseph Smith use to help translate the Book of Mormon, symbolizing the restoration of revelation?
The Urim and Thummim
Who was the brother of Joseph Smith who was martyred with him in Carthage Jail?
Hyrum Smith
What is unique about the Doctrine and Covenants compared to other LDS scriptures?
It focuses on modern revelations instead of ancient texts
Which biblical prophet foretold an apostasy before the restoration of Christ’s Church?
To what problem or disaster was apostasy compared?
Brigham Young was instrumental in founding which educational institution in Utah and Hawaii?
Brigham Young University (BYU)