Causes of the Great Depression
The Dust Bowl
Hoover vs. FDR
The New Deal
Primary Sources

Define the Wealth Gap.

The difference in the amount of money made between the wealthiest groups and the poorest groups.


What region of the United States was impacted the most by the Dust Bowl?

The Great Plains


This person often took all of the blame for the Great Depression. 

Herbert Hoover


Name a program from the New Deal that gave direct relief to individuals and families.

Emergency Banking Act

Civilian Conservation Corps

Federal Emergency Relief Administration

Public Works Administration

Works Progress Administration


According to this source, explain how many Americans felt about president Hoover.

People often had a negative opinion of Herbert Hoover. They put the blame for the Great Depression on Hoover. They were hungry, homeless, and unemployed and felt that Hoover was doing nothing to help them.


What event marks the beginning of the Great Depression?

The Stock Market Crash of 1929


What was the most significant (important) man-made cause of the Dust Bowl?

Poor farming practices 


This person believes that if there are no jobs available, it is the government's responsibility to create jobs. 



Name a program from the New Deal that was intended to reform the economy and prevent another Great Depression.

FDIC, SEC, REA, TVA,  The Wagner Act, the Social Security Act


According to this graph, what year did the Great Depression start?



What is the goal of protective tariffs? How did they contribute to the Great Depression?

Protective tariffs are intended to make imported resources more expensive than local resources so that people will buy things made in America.

Protective tariffs led to a decrease in trade with Europe which hurt US businesses.


What was the most significant (important) natural cause of the Dust Bowl?



According the FDR, who is responsible for the country's economic well-being?

The government 


Name two New Deal programs that would help with this situation:

A family that is behind on their mortgage and has an adult who is unemployed.

The FHA - helps families pay their mortgages and avoid forclosure

The CCC - helps individuals get jobs

The WPA - helps individuals get jobs


What cause of the Great Depression is being shown int his photo?

Bank failure/Bank Runs


What is overproduction? How did it lead to the Great Depression?

Overproduction is when a company makes too many goods. During the Great Depression, companies made so many goods that the only to make up the money they lost was to fire employees. So, many Americans lost their jobs


What can you infer about the migration of people during this time period?

Most of the migration was happening in the central and western United States.


In 1936 FDR ran for re-election as president. Based on the results of the 1936 election, what can you infer about how people felt about FDR's first term as president?

The map shows that FDR won the election in a landslide. This means that people were happy with his actions in dealing with the Great Depression during his first term and wanted him to continue his relief, recovery, and reform work.


How did the New Deal programs help regulate the agricultural industry through the AAA?

The government gave money to farmers in exchange for not growing crops that were being overproduced. This meant that farmers had money to pay bills and keep their farms going but production would go down and prices of crops would go up.


What crisis of the 1930s is being shown in this photo?

The Dust Bowl


How did spending habits of the 1920s contribute to the Great Depression?

People abused installment buying and buying on credit during the 1920s and spent more more than they had. People went into massive debt which only got worse when they lost their jobs during the Great Depression.


Infer: What were two negative impacts of the Dust Bowl?

1. Health problems such as breathing issues from breathing in dust. 

2. Farm land became useless and livestock died. This led to farmers having to sell their farms or be foreclosed on.

3. Houses, cars, and other belongings were coated in dust and often ruined.


Explain Herbert Hoover approach to the Great Depression.

Hoover believed that the economy would natural rebound. Until this happened, he believed people should rely on themselves and other community organizations for help.


When the Supreme Court found several New Deal programs to be unconstitutional, what was FDR's solution?

He wanted to add more supreme court justices to the court. These justices would be favorable to his New Deal programs and vote to keep them. The strategy was called "packing the court."

What message is this advertisement sending to viewers? What important, related message is not being sent to viewers?

The advertisement is telling viewers that buying stocks on margin will lead to easy money. What it is not telling viewers is that they are taking a financial risk that could lead to debt.
