Who made a plan to end the Great Depression?
President Franklin D. Roosevelt
what was the dust bowl?
a severe ecological and agricultural disaster in the 1930s, caused by a combination of drought, poor farming practices, and high winds, turned the Great Plains into a vast dust bowl.
The day the stock market crashed
black tuesday
What did the 3 R's stand for?
Relief, Recovery, Reform
What problems did the Dust Bowl cause?
immense ecological damage, widespread economic hardship, and significant health problems, resulting in a mass exodus of farmers and their families from the affected regions.
when was black tuesday?
October 29, 1929 when the stock market plunged and symbolized the start of the Great Depression.
What did the New Deal mean for farmers?
Established the Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act, which replaced the AAA, which the Supreme Court overturned. Established the Farm Security Administration.
What five states were most affected by the Dust Bowl?
Colorado, Kansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, and Texas
Hawley-Smoot Tariff of 1930
highest tax ever on imported goods in U.S. history
What changes occurred for Native Americans as a result of the New Deal?
Policies changed from that of "assimilation" to that of self-rule on native lands.
How many states were severely affected by the drought of 1934? What percent of the country did this cover?
Affected 27 states
more than 75% of the country
what were Okies?
the farmers, who in the Great Depression, were forced to move from the great plains to California
Why did industrial production drop and unemployment go up again in 1938?
There is an inverse relationship between production and unemployment, as deficit spending was reduced, Unemployment rose.
How was the land misused?
Farmers used harsh growing methods and did not rotate crops.
Years of Great Depression