Alphabet Soup
The Bubble Bursts
Hoover got a bad rap
New Deal News

This is what FDR stands for. 

What is Franklin Delano Roosevelt?

This agency provided individual bank account insurance so that people would have more confidence in the banks. 

What was the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation? (FDIC)


October 29, 1929, the day the stock market crashed, became known as this. 

What is "Black Tuesday?"

As a result of the depression, many were unable to make payments on their homes and lost them. Some lived shacks in this community named after the president.  

What is a Hooverville?


This is, in general, what Democrats/liberals thought of the New Deal.

What is: they thought that FDR's programs were not doing enough; they wanted the government to own certain industries and guarantee incomes to people?


This disease forced FDR to use a wheelchair.

What is polio?

(What does polio do?)

Under this act, later declared unconstitutional, the government paid farmers to destroy crops and livestock. 

What was the Agricultural Adjustment Act? (AAA)


This refers to a financial transaction that carries significant risk, but also a chance for significant financial gain. 

What is speculation?


This was the name for a man who jumped on a train to escape his troubles or look for work in the next town. 

What was a hobo?


This is what republican/conservatives thought of the New Deal programs. 

What is: they thought FDR was spending too much money and the government was assuming too much power over industry and commerce?

This was the name for radio addresses that FDR gave to the nation during the Great Depression. 

What were "fireside chats?"

The goal of this agency, which wrote more than 500 regulations for businesses to follow, was to eliminate competition between business firms. 

What was the National Recovery Administration? (NRA)


These were symptoms of economic slowdown. 

What were: lower demand for farm products, layoffs of textile workers and coal miners, lower industrial output, slower hiring and layoffs of laborers, lower consumer spending?


Overgrazing of ranchland and/or overplowing of farmland, combined with years of drought led to this ecological disaster in the Great Plains between 1930 and 1939. 

What was the Dust Bowl?


In 1935, Congress passed the Social Security Act which did this...

What is: added a federal tax on wages so the government could provid unemployment insurance and a monthly pension (check) for most retired people?


During his first state of the union address, in 1933, FDR is famous for this line that begins: "let me assert my belief that the only thing we have to fear..."

What is ..."is fear itself?"


This work program for young men was one of the most popular of the New Deal. 

What was the Civilian Conservation Corps? (CCC)

(Why? see page 513)


This tariff was passed in 1930 to protect American businesses from competition by other countries, but other countries retaliated with tariffs of their own. 

What was the Smoot Hawley Tariff?


Hoover thought that the best solutions for the Depression would be done at the local level, or with projects that benefited society as a whole. He did not want people to get a handout, or otherwise known as a  this. 

What is "the dole?"

After his reelection in 1936, FDR felt encouraged to challenge the make up of this co-equal branch of government because it did not think some of his programs were constitutional. 

What is the Supreme Court? 

(What is court packing?)


FDR's first term as president brought large numbers of these groups of voters into the Democratic Party. 

Who were African Americans, the poor, and union workers? 



FDR's willingness to experiment was generally popular with voters, but these were three big criticisms of his New Deal efforts. 

What were:

1. they did not bring real, lasting economic recovery

2. programs like the NRA interfered with the free enterprise system in business, as did the AAA in farming

3. the destruction of farm products under the AAA seemed counterproductive when so many people were in need

(4. the programs were expensive)


This is how unemployment and business inventories are related. 

What is: If there is more unemployment, people spend less money, they buy fewer products, and inventories of products increase (less demand). Businesses were then forced to sell products at lower prices, and reduce pay for their workforce, which continued the problem. 

The Bonus Army went to DC to demand this (and what happened?).

What was, early payment of a WWI pension? 

(What happened?)


These are concrete ways Christians can help the needy in our society. 

(Answers may vary) What are: pay required taxes; provide necessary supplies like food, water, and shelter; provide job opportunities for those who need them?
