People and Parties
Public Works Projects
The 32nd President of the United States (1933-1945), he contracted polio in 1921 which resulted in paralysis from the waist down (a fact he often attempted to hide).
Who is Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR)?
A series of thirty evening radio addresses intended to explain presidential policy between 1933 and 1944.
What are fireside chats?
The severe, worldwide economic downturn in the decade prior to WWII during which international trade fell by 50%, crop prices fell 60%, and U.S. unemployment rose to 25%.
What is The Great Depression?
The name applied to a series of government projects and programs designed to halt the economic collapse of the 1930s.
What is the "New Deal"?
These rates, which determine the amount of money paid by a borrower to a lender, were low throughout the 1920s leading many to buy more than they could afford.
What are interest rates?
The 31st President of the United States (1929-1933), he championed the construction of the Boulder Dam which was later named for him.
Who is Herbert Hoover?
The practice of buying stock on credit.
What is "buying on margin"?
October 29, 1929: the day 16 million shares were traded and $14 billion was lost.
What is "Black Tuesday"?
The name of the bill enacted by Congress in 1935 that created a system providing benefits to retirees and the unemployed.
What is the Social Security Act?
A type of security that represents ownership in a corporation and a share of its assets and earnings; it can be traded (bought or sold).
What is stock?
This general became famous for his assault on the Japanese during WWII and infamous for his assault on WWI veterans and their families in Washington, D.C. in 1932.
Who is General Douglass MacArthur?
Shanty towns constructed by the homeless and named for the serving president who was often blamed for their homelessness.
What are Hoovervilles?
The collapse of stock markets in the final quarter of 1929 that led to the biggest economic slowdown of the 20th century.
What is the (Wall Street) Crash of 1929?
This federal law restricted agricultural production by paying farmers subsidies not to plant on part of their land and to kill off excess livestock. Its purpose was to reduce crop surplus and raise the value of crops.
What is the Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA)?
A payment applied in advance for the purchase of expensive items such as a car or a house; the payment is the initial upfront portion of the total amount due; a loan is then required to make the full payment.
What is a down payment?
This political party pushed pro-business policies during the 1920s which led to considerable, if only temporary, economic growth.
What is the Republican Party?
The popular name for the assembly of thousands of WWI veterans and their families in Washington, D.C. who demanded early payment of their wartime service bonuses; they were dispersed by Army infantry, cavalry and tanks.
What is the Bonus Army?
A period of time in the spring of 1933 during which a special session of Congress passed 15 major legislative acts (bills) to combat the economic depression.
What is (The First) Hundred Days?
A public work relief program that operated from 1933 to 1942 in the United States for unmarried, unemployed men, ages 18–25; it was tasked with natural resource conservation.
What is the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)?
The number of times FDR was elected president (before the two-term limit was set).
What is four?
The general trend in American history is that the party that wins the presidency loses ground in the following congressional election. Not so in 1934. In fact, this political party significantly increased its Congressional majorities following the 1934 midterm elections.
What is the Democratic Party?
This market trend is associated with increased investor confidence and increased investment in anticipation of future price increases.
What is a "bull" market?
Not a vacation, this Congressional emergency act closed financial institutions nationwide for four days in 1933 in order to prevent mass withdrawals and increase depositors' confidence.
What is a "bank holiday" (the Emergency Banking Act)?
A government agency established in 1933 that brought industry, labor and government together to set minimum wages and prices, and maximum weekly hours; it was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in 1935.
What is the National Recovery Administration (NRA)?
The action of depositors who try to withdraw their money in mass from a bank because they think it will fail; this occurred during the depression and, more recently, in Cyprus.
What is a "run" on the banks (or a "bank run")?