What is another name for the Stock Market Crash of 1929?
What is "Black Tuesday."
What was the series of radio broadcasts made by FDR to the people in order to keep them informed and make the Federal Government more accessible?
What are the "fireside chats."
This group of people thought that FDR's plan did not go far ENOUGH.
Who are the liberals.
This agency provided jobs to mostly men to build roads and bridges, and other public buildings
What is the WPA. (Works Progress Administration)
What do the 3 "R's" stand for in the New Deal?
What are "Relief, Recovery, Reform."
What is the economic system that FDR moved us away from in order to control corruption in businesses post-Crass?
What is "laissez-faire."
This part of the New Deal is still in effect today, and provides monthly payments to the elderly and the disabled.
What is Social Security
The method people used to buy stocks with only a small portion of their own money, and that contributed to the Stock Market Crash.
What is "buying on margin."
Throughout the 20's and after the Crash, what was the huge difference in money earned between social classes?
What is "income disparity."
The term was given to one of FDR's plans when he suggested an age cap of 70 and add justices to the Court.
What is "court packing."
This law replaced the NLRA after it was ruled unconstitutional, and allowed workers to form labor unions and use collective bargaining.
What is the "Wagner Act."
What is the practice of spending MORE than the government receives in revenue?
What is "deficit spending."