Great Depression Causes
Great Depression Effects
Famous People of the Great Depression Era
New Deal Programs
Everything else
This CAUSE protected American markets at home, but made it hard for producers to sell abroad since other countries retailiated by doing the same thing to products coming from America.
What are tariffs?
These institutions began to close in record numbers in 1933 as a result of the Depression.
What are banks?
The U.S. president during the New Deal period (1933-1945).
Who is Franklin Delano Roosevelt?
This program provides monthly payments to retired people.
What is the Social Security Administration (SSA)?
These left leaning critics felt that the New Deal programs did not go far enough to address the needs of U.S. citizens and that more should be done.
What are LIBERALS?
This CAUSE is when there are more products being manufactured than people could buy.
What is overproduction?
This EFFECT of the Depression was the first sign that the economy and conditions in America were bad.
What is the Stock Market Crash?
The President at the beginning of the Great Depression(1929-1933)
Who is Herbert Hoover?
This program provided jobs for young men to plant trees and build bridges.
What is the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)?
These right leaning critics of the New Deal programs felt that government intervention was TOO much and interfered with our free market economy.
This CAUSE drove stock prices higher and higher in the late 1920s because it saw more and more people investing in Wall Street.
What is over speculation?
These groups were created to help people in need.
What is a charity?
The author of the Grapes of Wrath.
Who is John Steinbeck?
This program employed men and women to build hospitals, schools, parks, and airports.
What is the Works Progress Administration (WPA)?
In 1937, FDR proposed a plan to allow the President to add a new appointment to the Supreme Court for each Justice over 70 and 1/2 years old. This was viewed as an attempt to upset the traditional separation of powers and was rejected by Congress and the American public.
What is the Court-Packing scheme?
Many Americans purchased stock for a 10% downpayment of the price of the stock and financed the rest. This CAUSE of the Depression is known as buying on...
What is margin?
Over one million farmers began to migrate from THIS AREA of the United States to California because of a series of droughts in the 1930s that dried up crops and topsoil, turing the soil into dust.
What is the Great Plains region?
This woman was hired by the government to document the effects of the Depression on Americans, her photographs are some of the most iconic images in U.S. history.
Who is Dorothea Lange?
This program built dams to control flooding and to provide cheap electric power to Southern states.
What is the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)?
These were the shantytowns that were nicknamed after the current President.
What are "Hoovervilles"?
Hoover's slow response to the depression was largely due to his philosophy that the federal government should not intervene with this kind of relief.
What is direct relief?
With less demand for labor during the Depression, white American farmers were in desperate need of work and sought jobs filled by immigrants from this country.
What is Mexico?
The first female to hold a U.S. cabinet position when she was appointed Secretary of Labor in 1933.
Who is Frances Perkins?
This was part of the 1933 Glass-Steagall Act and it insured bank deposits so that people would not lose their saving in the event of a bank failure.
What is the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)?
FDR immediately began to submit a flood of measures for Congressional approval that were explained in terms of RELIEF, RECOVERY AND REFORM. This critical time at the beginning of his administration came to be known as this.
What are the "First Hundred Days"?