Take it to the Bank
In the Market
That's Depressing
What's the Deal?
Buying now and paying later, usually in installments over a long period of time
What is credit?
October 29, 1929, the worst day in Stock Market history, is known better by this nickname.
What is Black Tuesday?
The period of time from 1929-1940 when the economy plummeted and unemployment skyrocketed became known as this.
What was The Great Depression?
In his first 100 days, FDR launched this plan for turning around the American economy.
What is The New Deal?
This is one of the years of The Great Depression.
What is 1929-1940?
This was FDR's first priority when elected president in 1932.
What is fixing the banks?
As a measure of the health of the Stock Market, this tracks the sales of 30 key large businesses.
What is the Dow Jones Industrial Average?
President at the beginning of The Great Depression
Who was Herbert Hoover?
New Deal programs such as the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), Public Works Administration (PWA), and Works Progress Administration (WPA) were all programs that put Americans to work doing this.
What is building roads, public buildings, schools, parks, planting trees, etc.?
One of the causes of The Dust Bowl.
What is drought or poor farming methods?
In order to inspire confidence in the public, and inform them of New Deal programs, FDR conducted over 30 of these talks.
What are Fireside Chats?
Paying a small percentage of a stock's price as a down payment and borrowing the rest.
What is buying on margin?
These people traveled from town to town, often living on trains or under bridges, looking for work.
What are hobos?
The Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA) was controversial in part because it paid farmers to do this.
What is to NOT grow crops, or destroy the crops they had?
One of the states hardest hit by The Dust Bowl.
What is Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Colorado, or New Mexico?
As times were tough, people turned to one of these places for free or low cost food.
What are soup kitchens or bread lines?
Making very risky stock transactions on the chance of making quick and large profits.
What is speculation?
Temporary homes built out of scrap lumber and metal were called this.
What are Hoovervilles?
The Tennessee Valley Authority was launched in the Tennessee watershed in order to do what?
What is build dams and power plants in order to stop flooding and generate electricity?
As FDR's first lady, she was a key advisor to the president on social issues.
Who was Eleanor Roosevelt?
As a part of The New Deal, FDR and Congress passed two key banking deals that did this (only need to name one).
What is either provide for the inspection of banks by the Treasury Department, or insure customer deposits through the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)?
Both the Federal Securities Act and the Security Exchange Commission were passed as a part of the New Deal. This is something that one of these bills would have done.
What is either require companies to share complete and truthful information with the public, or allow Congress to regulate the Stock Market?
Some came out against FDR's New Deal because of one of these reasons.
What is either due to deficit spending or the expansion of the role of the federal government?
Likely one of the most successful of the New Deal programs, this program provides for retirement money (pension) for retired workers, their spouses, and people with disabilities.
What is the Social Security Administration?
When the government spends more money than it receives, it is doing this
What is deficit spending?