President Franklin Roosevelt
President Herbert Hoover
The New Deal
The Economy
Life During The Great Depression
He believed that the government should take total control and fix the problems, and believed the individual was the victim.
How is his approach different than Hoover's?
"A chicken in every pot and a car in every garage"
What did Hoover promise every household during The Great Depression?
FDIC, SEC, & Social Security
Which of Hoover's New Deals are still in effect today?
The day the stock market crashed October 29, 1929
What is Black Tuesday?
Farmers over harvesting led to soil depletion, then a drought came and brought huge dust storms
What caused the Dust Bowl?
A New Deal, a series of programs to provide relief, recovery and reform for the people.
What did he promise to give Americans?
Home Loan & Bank Act lowered mortgage rates and allowed many to refinance to avoid bankruptcy
What are the Acts Hoover put in place to fix the economy?
No but it did slightly decrease unemployment.
Did the New Deal end The Great Depression?
10% of the people controlled 95% of the nation's money, this caused the working class to have no real money
What is Uneven Prosperity?
Children left school, many were without food, many became homeless
What are some the hardships caused by The Great Depression?
She was a supporter of minority and their rights.
What did Roosevelt's wife do while he was in office?
He believed Americans could do it themselves and that the government taking over would damage them more than the crisis would
Why did Hoover take a hands off approach to help solve the problems?
People believed that the government was taking over with too much control and it wasn't doing enough.
Why were some people not happy with Roosevelt's New Deals?
It was the appeal of prohibition which made the government able to collect money by taxing alcohol.
How did the 21st Amendment help the economy?
Route 66 which links Chicago to California.
What route did devastated families travel to seek new lives in the West?
A great deal of legislation was passed.
Why were Roosevelt's first 100 days in office so important?
Hoover sounded better on the radio which helped him win.
How did the radio help Hoover in his campaign?
SSA (Social Security Act), AAA (Agricultural Adjustment Act), REA (Rural Electrification Administration)
What other New Deal agencies were designed to help farmers or the elderly and retired?
The bank made lots of loans to Farmers and as the Farmers overproduced, the prices fell and they couldn't pay back their loans because of lost revenue.
Why did the banks have to foreclose on the Farmers?
21st amendment
Which amendment brought prohibition to an end?
Yes, once he was in office, he began to put his New Deal together; a series of programs to provide relief, recovery, and reform for the American people.
Was Roosevelt elected President on his promise to give Americans a "New Deal"?
That "poverty be banished from this nation."
What was another promise Hoover made during his campaign?
Father Charles Coughlin, Huey P. Long, Dr. Francis Townsend
Who were some of the critics of the New Deal?
Weak banks began to fail when depositors feared they would lose their money. When depositors couldn't get their money out they panicked and a bank would fail because no bank keeps enough cash on hand to satisfy everyone.
Why did banks fail during The Great Depression?
Because thousands of schools closed or were operating on reduced hours.
Why did nearly 3 million children abandon school by the end of 1930?