What is the definition of Black Thursday
When everyone sold their stocks to try to get their money back
What was the Alphabet soup
Programs that started with Acronyms and helped the U.S. during the Great Depression.
What did people do on Black Thursday
Everyone sold back their stocks
Who was Herbert Hoover
What sport provided fun during the Great depression
What is the definition of Black Tuesday
When the stock market crashed starting the Great Depression
What happened during the Smoot Hawley tariff act.
When the U.S. increased the tariffs on agricultural imports.
What happened to the stock market on Black Tuesday
The stock market crashed.
Who was Franklin D. Roosevelt
32nd president presented the new deal and helped America get out of the Great Depression
What was one of the dominant sports at the time
Horse racing
What is the definition Bank Runs?
When people took out money because they thought they would have bank failiure
Who were Smoot and Hawley
Willis Hawley was a republican senator of Oregon, and Reed Smoot republican senator of Utah
Where and when did people move to farm
During the mid 30s and people moved to the Great Plains
Who was Who was Father Charles Coughlin
Was a priest and radio broadcaster.
What was one war that helped America get out of the depression.
What is the definition of Tariff
A tax or duty to be paid on a particular class of imports or exports.
How long was the Great Depression
12 years. (1929-1941)
What kind of homes did people build to stay alive.
Shacks in Hoovervilles
Who was Huey Long and what did the think of the new deal?
Opposed FDR's new deal
What were the most reliable cars in the great depression
Ford, General Motors and Chrysler.
What is the definition of Hooverville
Camps of people who could not afford homes so they built shacks. Hoovervilles were makeshift housing places named after president Hoover.
What event happened causing crops to fail and lights to go out
The Dust Bowl
What job opened up for people when WWII started
Jobs for the military, medical, soup kitchens, factory work in shipbuilding, aircraft manufacturing, munitions production, as well as roles like welders, machinists, riveters, truck drivers, nurses, radio operators, code breakers, and clerical positions.
Who was Sinclair Lewis
Novelist and short story writer. Got the Literature Nobel Prize in 1930.
How many people died from the depression
About 13,778 people died