An advertisement of a long vanished eye doctor on a billboard in the Valley of Ashes.
"eyes of Dr. T.J. Eckleburg"
ID the speaker: "Daisy! Daisy! Daisy.....I'll say it whenever I want to! Daisy!"
Myrtle Wilson
What does Daisy wish her daughter would be?
"a beautiful little fool"
This represented Gatsby's dream of his future with Daisy...he was reaching out for it when Nick first saw him at the end of chapter one.
the green light at the end of Daisy's dock
He is the narrator of the story.
Nick Carraway
ID the speaker: "The officer looked at Daisy while she was speaking, in a way that every young girl wants to be looked at some time..."
Fill in the blanks: East Egg represents ____ money and West Egg represents _____money.
On the way into the city, Tom and Nick hop off of the train in what part of NY?
Valley of Ashes
Why does Tom hit his mistress?
because she kept saying Daisy's name.
She plays golf and casually dated Nick while he was in NY.
Jordan Baker
This is where Nick moves from to at the beginning of the novel.
the mid-west
What is on the other side of the bay where Gatsby lives?
Daisy's house
Why is Owl Eyes surprised by the library?
because it contains real books.
Fill in the blank: Catherine says that Tom can't divorce Daisy because Daisy is _______.
The car crash at the end of chapter three is an example of...
She is Myrtle Wilson's sister.
ID the speaker: "I hate careless people. That's why I like you."
What kind of money does Tom have?
old money
How many times does Nick say he's been drunk before?
only twice before
"About half way between West Egg and New York the motor road hastily joins the railroad and runs beside it for a quarter mile so as to shrink away from a certain desolate area of land." This quote describes what place?
Valley of Ashes
Who is the photographer that Comes with Catherine to the apartment?
Gatsby first describes his family as this.
wealthy and dead
What branch of the army did Gatsby serve in?
the army
How is the narrators house described by him?
"an eye sore, but it's my eye sore."
What give's Gatsby away that he's not being honest about where he get's his wealth
nobody knows anything about his family or name.